Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be - amazonia.fiocruz.br

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Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be - have faced

In a family where everyone is working full time, another baby is not an option so the mother decides to terminate the pregnancy.. Is this choice morall or immoral.? Marquis argues that a fetus is considered a human from the moment of conservation. If the mother performs the abortion, then she is killing a human and preventing his future from him In this case abortion is an immoral act.. Jack Palmer Prof. Hedleston Phil 21 November Final Paper Abortion is one of the hottest topics discussed today. Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be

Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Inthe Constitutional Court of South Korea ruled that the anti-abortion provisions in the Criminal Act, which criminalize abortion, do not conform to the Constitution.

I argue, confined to abortion services in Korea that will take place in the near future, that doctors should be granted the legal right to exercise conscientious objection to abortion. Considering that doctors in Korea have been ethically and legally obligated to refrain from abortions for many years, imposing a universal legal duty to provide abortions that does not allow exception may endanger the moral integrity of individual doctors who chose a career when abortion was illegal. The universal imposition of such a duty may Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be in repudiation of doctors as moral agents and damage trust in doctors that forms the basis of medical professionalism.

Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be

Even if conscientious objection to abortion is granted as a legal right, most patients would experience no impediment to receiving abortion services because the healthcare environment of Korea provides options in which patients can choose their doctors based on prior information, there are many doctors who would be willing to provide an abortion, and Korea is a relatively small country. Finally, the responsibility to effectively balance and guarantee the respective rights of the two agents involved in abortion, the doctor and the patient, should be imposed on the government rather than individual doctors.

Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be

In Korea, having an abortion has been treated as a criminal offense [ 2 ], except for a few special cases [ 3 ]. A trial was Abottion to review the constitutionality of these two provisions, resulting in a ruling that they did not conform to the Constitution [ 1 ].

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This type of court decision allows the law to remain in effect until revised to avoid social confusion and the legal here that can result from immediate invalidation of the law. The Constitutional Court ordered abolition of the anti-abortion provisions and their amendment by December 31, [ 1 ]. Since its Aborion inthe Criminal Act of Korea has criminalized abortion.

Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be

Although the Mother and Child Health Act, which was legislated in as part of the anti-natalist policy designed to motivate economic development [ 4 ], allows a woman to terminate her pregnancy within 24 weeks of conception, it is only under following circumstances prescribed by the Act that abortion may be carried out: where her or her spouse suffers from any eugenic or genetic mental disability or physical disease prescribed by Presidential Decree; where her or her spouse suffers from any contagious disease prescribed by Presidential Decree; pregnancy from rape or quasi-rape; pregnancy from sexual relations between blood relatives or matrimonial relatives who are legally unable to marry; and where the maintenance of the pregnancy damages or is likely to damage the health of the mother due to health or medical issues [ 3 ]. However, the act Immodal not consider social Immorall economic determinants of abortion or severe foetal medical conditions as permissible grounds for abortion, which has rendered the vast majority of abortions illegal.

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Also, the court did not provide for differential protection of a foetus according to stage of growth, making it illegal to abort even an early-stage pregnancy [ 56 ]. In addition, 22 weeks of gestation, at which stage a foetus is considered viable or able to survive on its own, was proposed as the point of pregnancy before which abortion is permitted. The court decided that abortion for social and economic reasons should be permitted as well [ 1 ]. Therefore, the Criminal Act will be revised based on this decision, decriminalizing abortions which were previously treated as illegal. With Immiral decriminalized, pregnant women will be able to undergo an abortion and doctors will Abortioon placed in the position where they must perform an abortion. Thus far, doctors have not been required to carry out an abortion except under the particular circumstances enumerated in the Mother and Child Health Act, as https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/story-in-italian/a-interview-for-a-job-interview-process.php had legal obligations to equally protect the life of a pregnant woman and the life of a foetus.

The Is An Immoral Act

However, when abortion becomes a legal medical service based on the decision by the Constitutional Court and subsequent amendment of the Criminal Act, doctors will not only have a professional obligation, but also a legal duty to provide an abortion. However, objection on the grounds of conscience is not recognized as a ground for justification. Violation of Article 15 is punishable by imprisonment or a fine. In South Korea, the concept of conscientious objection is almost non-existent in healthcare, or at least there has been no serious discussion of it. Conscientious objection has a long history in the West, dating back to the time of colonial militias, and has almost reached the status of a recognized right for individuals Why Abortion Is Immoral And Should Be 9 ]. However, in Korea, conscientious objection is barely recognized. To be clear, Article 6 of the Framework Ablrtion on Health and Medical Services stipulates that healthcare and medical practitioners have the right and duty to provide link and medical Ie based on their knowledge, experience, and conscience [ 11 ].]

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