The Vacuum By Howard Nemerov -

The Vacuum By Howard Nemerov

The Vacuum By Howard Nemerov Video

The Vacuum by Howard Nemerov

The Vacuum By Howard Nemerov - thanks for

The speaker is an older widower, for whom there is a vacuum meaning both the absence of matter as well as the appliance where his wife once was. This poem plays upon the common cultural assumption that women are the homemakers, and that now as a widower, the speaker is struggling to take on this task amidst his grief. The poem has a somewhat fractured rhyme scheme that is made up mostly of slant rhymes. These rhymes give the poem an unsatisfying sound, which mirrors the dissatisfaction of the speaker and perhaps points to the concept of an incomplete pair. The sound and syntax of the poem are also very important. Sonically, the poem alternates between breathy, sorrowful vowel sounds and sharp, biting consonants. Syntactically, the poem contains long, complex sentences that heap clause upon clause, building tension and then deflate with a quiet ending. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. The Vacuum By Howard Nemerov

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