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The Theories Of Language Acquisition Video

Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition The Theories Of Language Acquisition. The Theories Of Language Acquisition The Theories Of Language Acquisition

Language is one of the major forms of cognition that distinguishes humans from other species on the planet. Representatives of many other species tend to rely on sounds produced by voice as means of communication, some species even use partially learned systems of vocalisations; however, humans are the only species worldwide that is known to employ a limited system of sounds and symbols for the purpose of expressing and communicating an unlimited number of ideas and notions of varied complexity put into phrases and sentences or exclaimed using diverse words and speech sounds Lemetyinen, As unique as this ability is when contrasted in humans and in other species, it is also remarkably innate for the former.

In particular, as specified in the research by Rowland and Noblescientists could find and test the ability to comprehend and master complex language in children of increasingly young age; to be more precise, infants of only 12 months of age demonstrate the capacity to sense grammar mechanisms and understand sentences of causative structure for example, depicting one character going something to another — such as a bear hugging a fox in Drug Policy picture. There exist multiple theoretical The Theories Of Language Acquisition to the acquisition of language, its development, and a mechanism or a device that allows human children subdivide and group the sounds they hear into words, sentences, and comprehend grammatical structures allowing them eventually to produce language using it for communication.

The research on language development in children, as well as the theories of language acquisition and multilingualism, has been going on for over The Theories Of Language Acquisition decades; however, throughout this time, the researchers and theorists have only developed more perspectives and drifted further apart from one another in points of view rather than approached to a certain common truth or a conclusion Lemetyinen, Some of the first attempts to explain the acquisition of language occurred just click for source the s when B.

The Theories Of Language Acquisition

Skinner focused on this subject. As a behaviourist, Skinner argued that the acquisition of language by children happens due to the external reinforcement leading to the associating words with their meanings; to be more precise, Skinner stated that since the correct grammatical forms and utterances are reinforced by the surrounding individuals, children grow to realise which ways of communication are more effective Lemetyinen, According to this theory, children are equipped with a capacity of the correct combining of the basic categories and putting them into viable sentences.

Second language acquisition theories essay

When The Theories Of Language Acquisition comes to multilingualism, scientists report interesting results. In particular, Peal and Lambert sought for the correlations between multilingualism and intelligence. In that way, it is possible to associate multilingualism with a higher level of intelligence and an enhanced learning capacity. This could be the case because the children growing up in bilingual environments tend to have to process a much larger amount of language-related information and learn to categorise it and distinguish between the symbols and words of different languages — the tasks that are less complex for the children from monolingual families and environments.

In addition, Peal and Lambert also found that during their battery tests, the bilingual children demonstrated better results in nonlinguistic tests the primary task of which was Acquisitiion ignore misleading information.

Multilinguism and its Cognitive Effect

Based on this evidence, it is possible to make a conclusion that growing up in a multilingual environment, the children tend to be surrounded by two or more forms of linguistic information which they have the capacity to decode; as a result, this activity provides the children with practice of focusing different kinds of information, quickly organising it into categories and being able to focus on the one that was required at any moment.

For instance, when asked a question using one of their native languages, a multilingual child will be able to answer using several different languages and can pick which one to use based on the specific situation. In that way, multilingualism carries The Theories Of Language Acquisition set of cognitive benefits that could be possible due to the increased intelligence capacity that is driven by the ability to have several active languages at the same time Marian and Shook, Differently put, while a multilingual person is using one of their languages, the others remain active. As explained by Marian and Spiveythe language processing happens gradually as the sounds of a word are heard; meaning that the words are not comprehended as solid blocks of information but are decoded sound by sound.

The Theories Of Language Acquisition

The concept of language acquisition device LAD was proposed by Noam Chomsky and stands for the mechanism responsible for the encoding of the principles of language, grammar, and its organisation into the brain of a child Wen, The idea of LAD is based on the fact that regardless of the complexity of languages worldwide, by the age of six or seven, all children become relatively fluent in their native languages regardless of their intellectual capacities Wen, In addition, the capacity for mastering language in many children develops faster than other abilities and skills; being able to speak according to the basic rules by the age of four, children only need to expand their vocabulary and practice more complex sentences and structures — this is accomplished due to their innate LAD.

Language development is systemic and is based on the interaction of multiple factors of physical, cognitive, and social nature Umera-Okeke, Review Retail Such systems are absent in the development of animals as well as in their social environments. In human children, the The Theories Of Language Acquisition and development of language is described as majorly powered by social interactions. In that way, a conclusion can be made that there exists a form of organisation in how children learn their native languages and with what speed.

Theoretical Approaches to Language Acquisition

Moreover, young infants aged about twelve months are known to be able to comprehend simple grammatical structures such as interactions between objects or individuals. Even with the presence of a basic understanding of simple causative connections, animals are unable to express them or use vocalisations in order to communicate specific messages. Also, animals lack the understanding of the The Theories Of Language Acquisition of the universal grammar that are widely used in all human languages. Moreover, even though languages belong to various language families and originate from areas that are located very far away from one click here geographically — they still have this common feature of grammatical categories Lemetyinen, This fact could serve as the basis for a conclusion that human cognition, communication, and self-expression have been based on these categories throughout the entire history of civilisation.

As a result, it is possible to state that humans have a specific language acquisition device that is innate and natural for all people and is unique only to our species out of all the living beings on this planet. Bialystok, E. Bilingualism: Consequences for mind and brain.]

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