The Sermon Of The Mount -

The Sermon Of The Mount Video

Correctly Understanding the Sermon on the Mount The Sermon Of The Mount

Travis grew up at The Branch Church until he moved to Chicago to work with inner city kids.

The Sermon Of The Mount

Travis and Beki welcomed their first child, Tekoa, into the world in and their second, Reau, in Travis handles the preaching schedule with his keen attention to detail and organization. He also helps run many of our connection groups as well as teaches and preaches.

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Travis loves to study and teach and is known for fun metaphors and made-up words in his sermons. Service More Info. Do Not Be Anxious Matthew Have you ever tried to look two opposite directions at the same time? How about run or walk two opposite directions at the same time? We cannot serve God and man. When we attempt to do that we find ourselves in a cycle of frustration.

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Our divided loyalties lead to anxiety in our lives. This anxiety or obsessive worry makes us feel like we are being pulled apart, divided into pieces and ultimately, we are troubled with cares. When is enough, enough?

The Sermon Of The Mount

The fear of scarcity not having enough can fill us with this troubling anxiety. We can only think about our selves, our needs, and our survival. From this defensive positionwe cannot love because we cannot give.

The Sermon Of The Mount

This is exactly what Jesus wants to set us free from. When we come to see that our heavenly Father will take care of us, we will be released from our captivity to self-centeredness and begin to recognize, and meet, the needs of others. Faith in God our provider is the answer to our fear of scarcity. Just reflect upon that truth.

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He knows you and He values you. Do you know Him? Do you value Him? It means to seek out with purpose and intent. About the Author Travis Troyer. Share with a friend.]

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