The Self The Mediator By Nathaniel Hawthorne -

The Self The Mediator By Nathaniel Hawthorne The Self The Mediator By Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville are by common consent regarded as the first major American novelists.

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The Self The Mediator By Nathaniel Hawthorne

Sample Solution hsdsaifi. Research focuses on how black women adapt their lifestyles and cultural identity to meet the dominated beauty standards. Using qualitative research Tge, the study collected data from 38 black women between the age of 19 to Participants were asked questions regarding skin colour complexion and hair texture when determining beauty. Results illustrate that lighter skinned black females are socially more accepted by both black and white people.

The Self The Mediator By Nathaniel Hawthorne

They are also perceived to be socially more successful, attractive and beautiful. Participants further reveal that since dark skin is devalued as it does not meet the Eurocentric ideals of beauty, they have a strong desire for lighter skinned children.

Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville

Additionally, hair texture and length are also associated with dominant beauty ideals. Participants in the study express the desire for long straight hair as it is considered more attractive. Results of the study show that darker skinned participants with short curly hair report isolation, social rejection and lower-levels of confidence and self-esteem, Haathorne lighter skinned participants with long straight hair report social acceptance and higher levels of confidence, self-esteem and success.

The study concludes Eurocentric conceptions of beauty are embodied by African Americans.]

The Self The Mediator By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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