The Sacred Space And Sacred Spaces Forged -

The Sacred Space And Sacred Spaces Forged Video

SACRED SPACE 432 Hz - Detachment From Overthinking \u0026 Worries \u0026 Fear - Clear Unconscious Blocks The Sacred Space And Sacred Spaces Forged. The Sacred Space And Sacred Spaces Forged

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W e are in an unholy mess. Each day reveals more disease, more anger, more flaws in our culture than anyone could have anticipated a year ago. In the past, we would come together, comfort and strengthen each other, in communities, in families, in churches. But part of our mess is that being together can harm, rather than comfort, under the specter of COVID infection.

The Sacred Space And Sacred Spaces Forged

We cannot be in closed quarters physically, so we simulate spatial and bodily connection by looking at screens and seeing, hearing, and talking alone in our rooms. For many of us this is a full buzzkill via simulation. As an architect who helps create Sacred Space, the vice-gripping 2D rectangles of phone and computer screens are soul-crushing.

The Sacred Space And Sacred Spaces Forged

Our forbidden Sacred Spaces force us to encounter two realities beyond their physical presence. Like any building, the history and associations of our being part of any place are part of the joy we take in connecting with it — that reality cannot be simulated on any screen. The Swcred element of Sacred Space is what makes its absence beyond painful. It is simply the loss of the ineffable joy of being together. Kinesthetics — the beauty of movement and sensory perception — are laughably dulled by the reality of video.

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Sacred Space may be spiritual, even inspiring, but not all spiritual or inspiring spaces are Sacred. We built our own home, and it embodies the lives of a family over 35 years.

The Sacred Space And Sacred Spaces Forged

It gives unending joy. But it is not Sacred.]

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