The role of Jocasta in Oedipus the -

The role of Jocasta in Oedipus the The role of Jocasta in Oedipus the

When Hank Pym created Ultron, his creation turned on him. When Ultron created The Visionhis creation also turned on him. Another creation of Tue that betrayed her master was Jocasta. Ultron had one simple plan to transfer Janet Van Dyne 's life-force into the metalloid body of a robot. Ultron explained to Pym they needed to save Wasp's life by fixing her body while her life-force was safe in the other body.

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His real motive was to use Jan's mind to create his own mate in Jocasta, a move that Pym could never reverse if completed. It was the Oedipus story all over again. The son murdered his father and married his mother, with Ultron turning Jocasta into his version of Oedpius. However, a swarm of ants altered the Avengers to the experiment's location. Black Panther believed it was Jocasta, with Jan's mind partially in her, that called out for help, betraying her creator. Ultron remotely activated her, and her programming was set to return to him.

The role of Jocasta in Oedipus the

It was at this point that she betrayed Ultron and helped the Avengers stop him. She ended up leaving before they could make her an official member and wandered the country. She took this journey with her new boyfriend, Machine Man. However, the two of them had differing opinions when she supported Tony Stark's idea of creating Project eScape. Robots could live in a virtual world and have a life like any human in that society. Machine Man was all about militant mecha-activism, and Jocasta wanted to experience life as a human being. Arno Stark, Tony 's brother, took control of Stark International and helped rebuild Jocasta in a less humanoid body.

The role of Jocasta in Oedipus the

He then equipped her operative system with code forcing her to become more compliant with human orders, known as a submission code. When word got out that Arno planned to do this to all robots, the A. Army attacked, and Machine Man ending up facing off with Jocasta.

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Army and Arno Stark and ended the war once and for all. Shawn S. Lealos is a freelance writer who received his Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma with a minor in Film Studies. He has worked as a journalist for 25 years, starting in newspapers and magazines before moving to online media as the world changed. Shawn is also a published author, with a non-fiction book about the Stephen King Dollar Baby Filmmakers and has begun work on a new fiction series as well. Visit Shawn Oedi;us website to learn more about his novel writing and follow him on Twitter sslealos. By Shawn S. Lealos 7 days ago. Share Share Tweet Email 0. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Lealos Articles Published Shawn S.

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