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The Prospective Of The Bible Video
Narcissisim in the BibleThe Prospective Of The Bible -
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Young Earth creationism YEC is a form of creationism which holds as a central tenet that the Earth and its lifeforms were created in their present forms by supernatural acts of a deity between approximately 6, and 10, years ago. Since the The Prospective Of The Bible century, young Earth creationists—starting with Henry Morris — —have devised and promoted a pseudoscientific explanation called " creation science " as a basis for a religious belief in a supernatural, geologically recent creation. A Gallup creationism survey found that 38 per cent of adults in the United States held the view that "God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10, years" when asked for their views on the origin and development of human beings, which Gallup noted was the lowest level in 35 years.
Young Earth creationists have claimed that their view has its earliest roots in ancient Judaism, citing, for example, the commentary on Genesis by Ibn Ezra c. The chronology dating the creation to BC became the most accepted and popular, mainly because this specific date was printed in the King James Bible.

The Protestant reformation hermeneutic inclined some of the Reformers, including John Calvin [24] [25] and Martin Luther[26] and later Protestants toward a literal reading of the Bible as translated, believing in an ordinary day, and maintaining this younger-Earth view. An Earth that was thousands of years old hTe the dominant view during the Early Modern Period — and is found typically referenced in the works of famous poets and playwrights of the era, including William Shakespeare :. The poor world is almost 6, years old. Support for an Earth that was created thousands of years ago declined among the The Prospective Of The Bible and philosophers from the 18th century onwards with the development of the Age of Enlightenmentthe Scientific Revolutionand new scientific discoveries.

In particular, discoveries in geology required an Earth that was much older than thousands of years, and proposals such as Abraham Gottlob Werner 's Neptunism attempted to incorporate what was understood from geological investigations into a coherent description of Earth's natural history.
James Huttonnow regarded as the father of modern geology, went further and opened up the concept of deep source for scientific inquiry. Rather than accepting that the Earth was deteriorating from a primal state, he maintained that the Earth was infinitely old. Hutton stated that:. Hutton's main line of argument was that the tremendous displacements and changes he was seeing did not happen in a short period of time by means of catastrophe, but that the incremental processes of uplift and erosion happening on the Earth in the present day had caused them.
As these processes were very gradual, the Earth needed to be ancient, in order to allow time for the The Prospective Of The Bible to occur.

While his ideas of Plutonism were hotly contested, scientific inquiries on competing ideas of catastrophism pushed back the age of the Earth into the millions of years — still much younger than commonly accepted by modern scientists, but a great change from the literalist view of an Earth that was only a few thousand years old. Hutton's ideas, called uniformitarianism or gradualismwere popularized by Sir Charles Lyell in the early 19th century. The energetic advocacy and rhetoric of Lyell led to the public and scientific communities largely accepting an ancient Earth. By this time, the Reverends William BucklandAdam Sedgwick and other early geologists had Prospecitve their earlier ideas of catastrophism related to a biblical flood and confined their explanations to local floods.
By the s, mainstream science had abandoned a young The Prospective Of The Bible as a serious hypothesis. John H.
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He subscribed to the latter theory indefinite days and found support from the side of Yale professor James Dwight Danaone of the fathers of Mineralogywho wrote a TThe consisting of four articles named 'Science and the Bible' on the topic. The decline of support for a biblically literal young Earth during the 19th century was opposed The Prospective Of The Bible first the scriptural geologists [35] and then by the founders of the Victoria Institute. The rise of fundamentalist Christianity at the start of the 20th century brought rejection of evolution. Its leaders explained an ancient Earth through belief in the gap or in the day-age interpretation of Genesis. White described the impact of the Great Flood on the shape of the Article source. Although not an accredited geologist, Price's writings, which were based Porspective reading geological texts and documents rather than field or laboratory work, [38] provide an explicitly fundamentalist perspective on geology.
The book attracted a small following, with its advocates almost all being Lutheran pastors and Seventh-day Adventists in North America. Together with J.]
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