The President s Formal Powers -

The President s Formal Powers Video

Formal and Informal Powers The President s Formal Powers The President s Formal Powers

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The position of president in the DRC has existed since the first constitution — known as Https:// Fundamental Law — of However the powers of this position have varied over the years, from a limited shared role in the executive branch, with a prime minister, to a full-blown dictatorship. Under the current constitutionthe President exists as the highest institution in a semi-presidential republic.

The President s Formal Powers

The president is protected by the Republican Guard. The semi-presidential system established by the constitution is largely borrowed from the French constitution. Although it is the prime minister and parliament that oversee much of the nation's actual lawmaking, the president wields significant influence, both formally and from constitutional convention. The president holds the nation's most senior office, and outranks all other politicians.

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Perhaps the president's greatest power is his or her ability to choose the prime minister. However, the President must nominate the prime minister from among the parliamentary majority after consultation with the parliamentary majority, if an Presdient majority exists, and if it does not exist, must nominate click prime minister who has a once renewable 30 day exploratory mandate to form a coalition. The prime minister and cabinet must present their plan of action to the National Assembly, which must approve the government and the plan of action by an absolute majority.

The President s Formal Powers

Only the National Assembly has the power to dismiss the Prime Minister's government. Article 72 of the Congolese constitution states that the President must be a natural-born citizen — or more accurately: French: citoyen d'origine — of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and at least 30 years of age.

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Additionally, the President must be free of any legal constraints on their civil and political rights. Articles 75 and 76 of the constitution state that upon the death or resignation of the President, the vacancy of the position is declared by the Constitutional court. The President of the Senate then becomes For,al president. The Independent Electoral Commission has to organize elections between sixty 60 and ninety 90 [16] days after the official declaration of vacancy by the Constitutional court.]

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