The Political Power Of Voting -

The Political Power Of Voting Video

Democracy is more than a vote! The Political Power Of Voting

Voting in the election was important to a lot of people including celebrities.

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Many public figures made political endorsements leading up to the election. Celebrities promoted registering to vote as well. In August, David Dobrik put on the largest voter registration drive.

The Political Power Of Voting

He worked with Headcount. According to Forbes this giveaway ledpeople to register in the first 24 hours, by the end of the giveawaypeople registered to vote.

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These people may have registered on their own, but the incentive of an expensive car from a social media influencer may have been the true reason many of those people registered. Why do celebrities have such an impact on politics? According to the U. Some people see this as humbling and comforting knowing celebrities have the same feelings and thoughts as them. However, others see that celebrities have certain privileges because of their fame and wealth.

The Political Power Of Voting

This can make some celebrities ineffective when attempting to be political. Some attempts to encourage people to vote are seen as empty gestures.

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In this technologically run society, it is rare to find someone without some form of social media. According to Nora Gilbert from vote. We want to make sure that we are reaching voters where they are, with messengers they trust and look up to and whose influence they will follow. Votjng Kylie Jenner put a link to Vote.

The Political Power Of Voting

In the election, Trump was not seen as political but as a celebrity because of his reality show. This image he had already established as a public figure followed him through his campaign. It is debated whether his influence as a celebrity himself had an impact with the election results.]

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