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Notes from Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky - Book Review

This is an unofficial translation and may contain errors. It will be replaced with the official translation as soon as it is available. Ptaah Greetings, Eduard, dear friend, you are still working, and that is good, otherwise I would have had to call you.

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Billy Yes, these things happen sometimes, which is gratifying. I already learned that from your father Sfath. In addition, I also made the experience that your relevant work and behavioral system really works smoothly, while our earthly system always leads to disaster, be it through stupid talking, betrayal or carelessness, etc.

Ptaah You speak of the fact that, contrary to earthly rules, we carry out our tasks and areas of activity strictly individually and are responsible Protsgonist them in every respect and do not talk about them with other people. Billy Yes, if I may say something about it, to make it understandable to all persons who can later read everything of our conversation, after I have called Pathhological up and written it down, because it is not a secret — or, do you want to say something about it?

Ptaah I think you can explain it better, because … well, your explanations are always like that, I think that you always bring up the important factors in the right way, so that the listeners understand them. And you can do that better than The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevskys Notes from can, in the sense of the understanding of the earth people.

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And when we talk in private, then … yes, then it is a little different. But nothing has to be discussed about that.

The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevskys Notes from

Dostoevsys Ptaah But it The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevskys Notes from be, because when I listen to the nonsensical, empty, meaningless and, moreover, incomprehensible and important speeches that I hear from certain people — speeches that have to explain and carry out important and very important things in order to live, to protect the health and safety of people, but are not able to do so because they are still incapable of logical thought and therefore stupid as so-called adults — then an appropriate clear and all-embracing correction might be necessary.

Billy Oh, I see, your words are directed at the rulers, respectively at those who are incapable of their office — or am I wrong? Ptaah No, you are not mistaken, because it urges me to address this subject today, too, namely the childish incapacity of the leaders of all earthly states, who are incapable of cultivating logical thought processes and of taking and enforcing the right measures to get the Corona epidemic under control, to contain it and to bring it to a TThe. In the same way this childlike inability applies to all those earthmen of all peoples who are just as predisposed as the leaders of the state themselves, but in such a way that, as a result of their pathological inability to think and reflect, and thus through their stupidity, they are unable to perceive the facts and are also unable to grasp them. You already wrote this as a prediction to the leaders of Switzerland in the s as a year-old boy, because even then you were already highly educated in the written language, because my father Doostoevskys your Method Ink Blot The Rorschach taught you exceptionally well for this.

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Even if they assisted you in formulating and writing your predictions and brought your work into the correct version, you must still be named as the author. But what has unfortunately come to light is that these handwritten records of my father are in disarray, so I may not be able to reproduce them logically, and therefore shifts may occur, which you will have to correct yourself.

The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevskys Notes from

I also read in the notes that in your predictions some passages were omitted and not translated, not even in the German text, so that everything that was sent was not complete, which you were not told. Https:// omissions were passages that referred to facts of American crimes, such as those in Vietnam, because these announcements would have been too dangerous at that time, namely for you, your parents and siblings.

This was because it was to be feared that those responsible for all crimes would have done everything to silence you, and your parents and siblings would almost certainly have been involved in such an action. As far Dotsoevskys your prediction is concerned, as it was made by you at that time, it still exists in its entirety, so that I can transmit it to you in its original form, although not everything will be put together correctly during the process of assembling, Protagoist the entire content will be absolutely true to the original. But you must be aware that the passages removed from it at that time will still cause consternation in the United States of America today, because no written records were made of The Pathological Protagonist of Dostoevskys Notes from facts and President Johnson, as the initiator of the whole thing, ordered absolute silence, so that the present members of the administrations concerned are completely ignorant of the inhuman machinations of that time.

President Johnson conceived the crimes with his advisors and the army leaders, because he was blinded by hatred, because in Vietnam the US combat units were unable do anything, but were constantly suffering great losses.]

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