All you laptop-using, touchpad-checking, two-thumb-texting, smart phone-listening grown-ups and kids beware: Those devices subtly change your back, eyes, ears and brains. Technology has crept into every corner of our lives, from obsessive texting to checking emails more often than a stockbroker eyeballs the Dow. Most of us absorb three times more information every day compared with 50 years ago, according to The Impact Of Technology On Healthcare of California researchers.
So is all this techno-toiling bad for us? That depends on the devices you use and how often, medical Healthcard say. No one expects you to put down your smart phone and live like our Technolofy did. Researchers are conflicted so far, though, about whether the effects of media are good or bad for our brains. Lifescript called, texted and emailed experts nationwide to learn about the effects of media on our health. Read on to learn how it might read more changing you. Effects of Technology on Health 1: Failing Memory You drive while talking on the cell phone, text while listening in on a conference call, surf your iPad while watching TV.
Multitasking participants had more difficulty filtering out irrelevant information than those focusing The Impact Of Technology On Healthcare one task at a time. Multitaskers also took longer to switch tasks, juggle problems and wasted time searching for new information when information they had was better and more reliable. If they knew they could get the facts later online, they just remembered how and where to get it.
Mobile Apps
It gets worse as you age: Younger adults can retrieve the temporarily lost memory more quickly than older adults, Gazzaley says. Three steps you can take to improve your memory. Tech solution: So, how should we handle the daily barrage of information and multitasking? Teens, however, are emotionally more vulnerable to the effects of rampant texting and online sharing, psychologists and Techonlogy say. Too much codependence: Modern teens are failing to separate from their parents and become independent thinkers, a major developmental step for adolescents.
The Role of Technology in Long-Term Care
Blame cell phones and texting, says Turkle. Find out other benefits of family meal time.

Many computer users assume awkward postures to position their eyes for better performance, according to the association. Close computer work can cause light sensitivity, dry eyeblurred vision, double vision, fatigue and headache.
If you use poorly fitted earbuds, attend loud concerts frequently or shoot guns for target practice, hearing loss can arrive even in your 20s. Teens, in particular, crank up their iPhones loudly to drown out traffic noise, conversation and even other ambient music. About half of college students in urban settings risk hearing loss. Tech solution: To avoid hearing loss:. But not all researchers believe the thumb fatigue claims. Johnson, Ph.
By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Health Topics. Special Reports. Health Tools. Internet Addiction. By Diane Wedner. Last Updated: November 15, Look away from the screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds, the AOA recommends. For the ideal viewing distance, set your monitor about The Impact Of Technology On Healthcare away from your body.
Lighting above your head should be dim.]
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