Have: The Gut Microbiota
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The Gut Microbiota | 4 days ago · The gut microbiota plays a key role in treatment with classic diabetes medication. Jun 01, Children with type 1 diabetes may have a less desirable gut bacteria composition. Jun 21, · The human microbiota is the collection of microorganisms—bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminths—that populate the human body. They are emerging as an important feature of human health and disease. Currently, access to the genomic data of human cells and of microbiota (microbiomes) is more affordable and accessible than ever amazonia.fiocruz.br by: 1 day ago · Research consistently shows the benefits of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole-grains and legumes for the health of the gut microbiota. Include sources of resistant starch as part of a plant-based diet. These include oats, other whole grains (particularly rye), root vegetables (par. |
The Gut Microbiota | The gut microbiota shows a wide inter-individual variation, but its within-individual variation is relatively stable over time. A functional core microbiome, provided by abundant bacterial taxa, seems to be common to various human hosts regardless of their gender, geographic location, and amazonia.fiocruz.br by: Nov 16, · The gut microbiota coevolve with the host and can be stably transmitted to the offspring. Host genetics plays a crucial role in the composition and abundance of gut microbiota. Inbreeding can cause a decrease of the host’s genetic diversity and the heterozygosity. In this study, we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to compare the differences of gut microbiota between the Diannan small-ear pig. Jun 21, · The human microbiota is the collection of microorganisms—bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminths—that populate the human body. They are emerging as an important feature of human health and disease. Currently, access to the genomic data of human cells and of microbiota (microbiomes) is more affordable and accessible than ever amazonia.fiocruz.br by: |

The gut microbiota is currently considered a major key factor in the pathogenesis of obesity. Microbiofa present, researchers working on this Microhiota have clearly established The Gut Microbiota it involves changes The Gut Microbiota the composition of the gut microbiota dysbiosis. However, The Gut Microbiota is not possible to Microbbiota based on the bacterial composition in these results not easily reproducible from one study to another that one and the same microbiota profile is always present in obesity see link to previous survey. However, certain bacteria in the gut share common metabolic functions or activities that may contribute to perpetuating the pathology.
Several studies have focused on bacterial metabolites, molecules produced by the bacteria in the gut that can act on our body. Nutrients carbohydrates, proteins, etc. The latter has the ability to use these nutrients and to extract sufficient energy from them to survive. This use of fiber by the intestinal bacteria leads to the production of specific molecules or metabolites called short-chain fatty acids SCFAs.
The latter, which are the result of the degradation of certain nutrients, can be useful to us as a source of energy this is the case for butyrate, one of the most common SCFAs. The gut microbiota of obese patients is known to have a greater quantity of genes for degradation, which suggests that they have a greater ability to extract energy from the diet and thus to produce more SCFAs than non-obese subjects. These results suggest a lack of stability in SCFAs over time; 4 also, it appears that the link between the composition of our gut microbiota and levels of SCFAs is much more complex than assumed since no significant association was found between them.
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In fact, some of our organs — our gut, muscles, liver, pancreas, and adipose tissue — are sensitive to bacterial SCFAs. However, further studies are needed to better characterize the clinical-biological profiles of SCFAs in obesity.

Bacterial lipopolysaccharide LPS and low-grade inflammation in obesity. So-called low-grade inflammation in obesity is also associated with the complications seen in this pathology cardiovascular disease, type The Gut Microbiota diabetes. Changes in the composition of the gut microbiota in obese patients lead to increased production of lipopolysaccharide LPS and increased permeability of our intestinal epithelium. LPS, which is a component of the membranes of some bacteria, may trigger an inflammatory response and could be responsible for the insulin resistance a process leading to an increase in blood glucose seen in obesity. Mice that are injected with LPS have increased body weight and greater visceral and subcutaneous adiposity Fi560 with other complications increased fasting blood sugar levels, increased lipid infiltration of the liver, and so on than mice that have not been injected.
Implication of the gut microbiota in the storage of body fat. Indeed, compared to mice with a microbiota, germ-free mice fed a high-fat diet HFD showed higher levels of a key enzyme involved in fatty acid degradation adenosine monophosphate The Gut Microbiota AMPK in the liver and skeletal muscles. AMPK is a crucial enzyme that plays an important role in energy homeostasis. Increased levels of AMPK lead to a stronger degradation of fatty acids. Influence of the gut microbiota on the metabolism of bile acids. The The Gut Microbiota acids secreted by the liver play a key role in And Of Field Nanotechnology Nanotechnology The digestion and absorption of fatty acids in the small intestine.
Primary bile acids are produced by hepatocytes from cholesterol and excreted in the bile that is then released in the intestine. In the intestinal lumen, the gut microbiota then converts primary bile acids into secondary bile acids. These secondary bile acids are reabsorbed by our body in the ileum lower portion of the small intestine and recirculated to the liver via the portal vein. As a result, modification of the intestinal microbial composition is likely to influence the pool of bile acids.
What is considered a healthy gut microbiota profile?
Swann and colleagues have confirmed this idea by showing that mice with a distinct gut microbiota had a specific bile acid profile and thus a different energy metabolism. Indeed, transferring gut microbiota from mice made obese by a high-fat diet HFD to germ-free recipient mice caused them to develop NAFLD with hepatic lipid levels similar to those in obese mice. Obesity is a global health problem that is continuing to The Gut Microbiota rapidly. It is considered a multifactorial disease and, The Gut Microbiota other mechanisms, the gut microbiota has recently emerged as an important factor in the pathophysiology of obesity.
Indeed, it influences obesity by acting on various mechanisms that are essential to energy homeostasis, including LPS-stimulated inflammation, bile acid metabolism, SCFA metabolism, and fat deposition. However, to date, it is not known which bacterial community contributes most to the pathophysiology of obesity.
In the future, gut microbiota modulation could be a therapeutic means to help treat obesity. Additional clinical here mechanistic studies are needed to further support the clinical utility and safety of gut microbiota modulation in obesity through probiotics, prebiotics, or fecal microbiota transplantation. Hit enter to search or ESC to close. Cho, I. Antibiotics in early life alter the murine colonic microbiome and adiposity.]
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