The Global Athletic Footwear Market -

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Global Athletic Footwear Market Professional Survey Report 2018 The Global Athletic Footwear Market

When it comes to shopping, there are things you needand there are things that are more nice to have. The consumer discretionary sector covers that second category, the goods and services people spend money on when they have a little extra cash available. Unlike Msrket staples companies -- which make the bare necessities -- consumer discretionary stocks tend to do well when the economy is strong and people have more money, and poorly when times are tough and it's harder to make ends meet, like during the coronavirus pandemic.

Below, we'll look more closely at this part of the stock market and show you some Matket consumer discretionary stocks to consider. You're probably familiar with these companies -- learn how to evaluate their investment potential. These companies provide things you rely on every day, including: food, cleaning and household products. Consumer discretionary stocks cover several different industries, but one thing they have in common that they all involve businesses that count on consumers spending The Global Athletic Footwear Market they don't need to spend.

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They include the following types of businesses:. The fact that consumer discretionary stocks tend to rise and fall with the overall economy makes them cyclical stocks.

The Global Athletic Footwear Market

In analyzing the sector to find the best consumer discretionary stocks, it's therefore important not just to look at recent performance, but also FFootwear consider how each company did over the course of the most recent economic cycle, which includes the coronavirus pandemic. Still, it serves as a good example of how crises affect these stocks differently from consumer staples retailers, like grocery stores, that sell necessities and can therefore better manage tough times.

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There are several consumer discretionary companies that stand out as being among the best in the business. Nike NYSE:NKE has built up a dominant position in athletic footwear and apparel, with more than half a century of innovation in making sports equipment accessible to a broad consumer audience. The beauty of Nike's business model stems from its use of celebrity sports endorsements, tying the success of athletes to the company's products. Long after Michael Jordan left the professional basketball court, Air Jordan shoes remain a mainstay of Nike's business.

The Global Athletic Footwear Market

And with the global sportswear company reaching out to play a bigger role in fast-growing areas such as China, the sky's the limit for Nike's future growth.]

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