The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine -

The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine

The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine - much the

The subject of vaccination returns to the fore with the coronavirus. The doctor in virology Tania Louis told the origin of this major scientific discovery, Tuesday in the show "Sans Rendez-vous" on Europe 1. The doctor in virology Tania Louis told the origin of this major scientific discovery, Tuesday in the program "Sans Rendez-vous" on Europe 1. But vaccination, widely used today, is not a scientific method that has only been developed very recently. The doctor in virology Tania Louis recounted its origin, which dates back to the 18th century, on Tuesday, in the program Sans rendez-vous on Europe 1. Variolation: injecting We must first go back to the 18th century, to a time when smallpox was raging throughout Europe. It affected a lot of people and killed two-thirds of them, while the survivors often had lesions on their faces. The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine.

Panel from the Florentine The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine depicting smallpox Gerontology Primary Nurse Practitioner in the Americas during the 16th century. More than three million people died when a series of epidemics erupted, finally toppling the centuries-old Aztec Empire.

The wife of the British ambassador in Turkey, she had observed variolation in Constantinople. The Reverend Cotton Mather learned of the practice from his African slaves and introduced it in Boston. Benjamin Jesty, an English farmer, inoculated his wife and two sons with cowpox to protect them against a smallpox outbreak.

Two months later he tried to inoculate the boy with smallpox—and the infection did not take. He announced The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine findings in by more thanpersons had been vaccinated in England and Jenner's pamphlet on the subject had been translated into five languages. One of the most spectacular efforts was made by Charles IV of Spain who, indispatched vaccines to his dominions around the globe by means of children vaccinated arm-to-arm in succession during the voyages. It said: "Brother: Our Father has delivered to us the book you sent to instruct us how to use the discovery which the Great Spirit made to you, whereby the smallpox, that fatal enemy of our tribe, may be driven from the earth We send with this a belt and string of wampum beads used for money in token of our acceptance of your precious gift. The French army lost 23, soldiers to the disease.

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But the German army had been vaccinated, and only died. The Soviet resolution pointed out that the funds devoted to vaccination against smallpox throughout the world exceeded those necessary for the eradication of tbe disease.

The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine

In Brazil a huge program of mass vaccination and case searching, which included the vast Amazon basin, culminated in victory over smallpox in The last case on the vast Indian subcontinent was Rahima Banu, a three-year-old Vacxine in Bangladesh. The last endemic case in Africa, and worldwide, was located in Somalia on October 26, The patient, year-old hospital cook Ali Maow Maalin, made a complete recovery.

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The Epidemic Of The Smallpox Vaccine

Roosevelt Island. World Health Organization, Geneva ]

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