The Egyptian Kingdom Of The Pharaohs -

The Egyptian Kingdom Of The Pharaohs - are not

Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of eastern North Africa , concentrated along the northern reaches of the Nile River in Egypt. The civilization coalesced around BC [1] with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh , and it developed over the next three millennia. Ancient Egypt reached its pinnacle during the New Kingdom , after which it entered a period of slow decline. For most parts of its long history, ancient Egypt was unified under one government. The main military concern for the nation was to keep enemies out. The arid plains and deserts surrounding Egypt were inhabited by nomadic tribes who occasionally tried to raid or settle in the fertile Nile River valley. The Egyptian Kingdom Of The Pharaohs The Egyptian Kingdom Of The Pharaohs

The Egyptian Kingdom Of The Pharaohs Video

Ancient Egypt 101 - National Geographic

Ancient Egypt was a successful culture for over 3, years. Each had a ruler and their own religious beliefs and ways of doing things. After the two kingdoms were united, they became a lot more.

The Egyptian Kingdom Of The Pharaohs

This was Egyptan class system and each person living in ancient Egypt knew where they existed in the system and had specific rights of that class. The Ancient Egyptian hierarchy was a lot like the pyramids that they built. At the very top of this social structure was the pharaoh and their gods. Since the pharaoh was thought to be a god, he took his place next to all of the others.

The Egyptian Kingdom Of The Pharaohs

The gods were thought to be in control of the flooding of the Nile each year, as well as death and famine. The pharaoh was also in charge of the armies and any laws that were decided upon were the responsibility of the pharaoh.

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All farmers paid taxes every year. Instead of money, they paid in amounts of grain that was stored in warehouses that belonged to the pharaoh. In case of drought and famine, this was the grain that would be used to feed everyone. Under the pharaoh and the other gods, there was a chain of command to help Ehyptian pharaoh accomplish all of his duties.

Ancient Egyptian Technology And Inventions

Along with the vizier were the various nobles that held government jobs and the priests Phharaohs the temples. The nobles became wealthy as they kept a part of the tax normally given to the pharaoh as well as some of the tributes that were given by the people to the gods.

The Egyptian Kingdom Of The Pharaohs

The next level down contained the scribes, craftsmen, artisans, and traders. The soldiers fought in the armies during wartime but in peacetime, many supervised the peasants, slaves and farmers and were also part of the building process of palaces, pyramids, and other structures.

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The craftsman, artisans, traders and even physicians were considered the middle class of ancient Egypt. Storekeepers and merchants were also included in this class. The bottom of the social structure contained the farmers and beneath them, the slaves.]

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