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This paper presents the source systematic case-control study of correlates of mass psychogenic illness MPI in an adolescent school population. MPI is generally construed as a dissociative phenomenon spread by social contagion to individuals who are prone to dissociation.
We sought to test if the correlates of dissociative experiences most commonly proposed in the literature could predict caseness among students affected by episodes of mass psychogenic illness occurring in schools in Nepal. Cases and controls were comparable on all demographic variables, except for family configuration, with nuclear families more common among those affected. In bivariate comparisons, caseness was associated with childhood physical neglect and abuse, as well as living in nuclear families, peritraumatic dissociation, dissociative tendencies, and depressive and post-traumatic stress symptoms.

Hypnotizability emerged as the strongest correlate of psychogenic illness among the cognitive and personality trait variables. However, in multivariable logistic regression, the correlates of dissociation did not predict caseness, suggesting that they do not adequately account for the phenomenon of mass psychogenic illness. Future studies involving other psychological, social and cultural factors, as well as school- and family-related factors are needed to understand the correlates of mass psychogenic illness and guide prevention and intervention. In this paper, we present the first systematic case-control study of Cgaracteristics of mass psychogenic illness MPI in an adolescent school population.

The symptoms and mechanisms of spread of MPI may vary across social and cultural settings 3 — 6. For example, The Characteristics Of The German Culture In outbreaks may involve different processes in a cohesive community or in an institutional setting i. A typical episode of MPI begins with an individual showing signs Te symptoms of an illness such as headache, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, weakness, hyperventilation, fits, trance states, and fainting attacks or other symptoms that are reflective of the perceived threat or presumed cause of the illness 58.
However, over time, the contagion spreads to affect a large number of people This contagion effect is influenced by witnessing the behavior of Cutlure individuals or by the communication of rumors and stories of the outbreak through word of mouth see more popular media 146711 MPI are thought to involve mechanisms of social contagion and dissociation.
Dissociative phenomena affecting groups of people have been observed throughout the world for centuries 17 Written accounts of tarantism, link mania, and episodes of demonic possession in Europe date back to the Middle Ages [e.

Both spirit possession and dancing mania have been interpreted as dissociative phenomena [e. Although MPI outbreaks can involve a range of psychological symptoms, behaviors, and medically unexplained somatic symptoms [e. However, there are no pathognomonic diagnostic features because exceptions are found for all identified characteristics MPI is a common occurrence in contemporary Nepal.
Five personality traits of German people
These episodes typically involve multiple children in the classroom or school yard falling to the ground writhing, moaning, shouting and crying for periods of minutes to hours. Case studies conducted in Nepal indicate that individuals report significant distress, with both somatic and psychological symptoms, during and after the chhopne episode 2028 The features of MPI episodes among young and adolescent children in schools in Nepal are consistent with the characteristics of MPI identified in the literature [e. MPI episodes may continue for a few weeks to months and may resolve on their own or after a traditional healing ritual, after intervention by psychosocial counselors provided by non-profit organizations.]
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