The Body s Energy From Four Key -

The Body s Energy From Four Key

The Body s Energy From Four Key Video

A guide to the energy of the Earth - Joshua M. Sneideman The Body s Energy From Four Key

A growing body of research suggests that Frlm attention to the body clock, and its effects on energy and alertness, can help pinpoint the different times of day when most of us perform our best at specific tasks, from resolving conflicts to thinking creatively. Most people organize their time around everything but the body's natural rhythms. Workday demands, commuting, social events and kids' schedules frequently dominate—inevitably clashing with the body's circadian rhythms of waking and sleeping. As difficult as it may be to align schedules with the body clock, it may be worth it to try, Ehergy of significant potential health benefits. Disruption of circadian rhythms has been linked The Body s Energy From Four Key such problems as diabetes, depression, dementia and obesity, says Steve Kay, a professor of molecular and computational biology at the University of Southern California. When the body's master clock can synchronize functioning of all its metabolic, cardiovascular and behavioral rhythms in response to light and other natural stimuli, it "gives us an edge in daily life," Dr.

Kay says.

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When it comes to doing cognitive work, for example, most adults perform best in the late morning, says Dr. As body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase through midday, working memory, alertness and concentration gradually improve. Taking a warm morning shower can jump-start the process. The ability to focus and concentrate typically starts to slide soon thereafter.

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Most people are more easily distracted from noon to 4 p. Alertness tends to slump after eating a meal, Dr. Matchock found. Sleepiness also tends to peak around 2 p. Surprisingly, fatigue may boost creative powers. When students were asked to solve a series of two types of problems, requiring either analytical or novel thinking, their performance on For second type was best at non-peak times of day when they were tired, according to the study led by Mareike Wieth, an assistant professor of psychological sciences at Albion College in Michigan.

The Body s Energy From Four Key

Their performance on analytical problems didn't change over the course of the day. Fatigue, Dr. Wieth says, may allow the mind to wander more freely to explore alternative solutions. Of course, everyone's body clock isn't the same, making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans. A significant minority of people operate on either of two distinctive chronotypes, research shows: Morning people tend to wake up and go to sleep earlier and to be most productive early in the day. Evening people tend to wake up later, start more slowly and peak in the evening. Thf

The Body s Energy From Four Key

Communicating with friends and colleagues online has its own optimal cycles, research Sending emails early in the Thd helps beat the inbox rush; 6 a. You check it at the beginning of the day," he says. Reading Twitter at 8 a.

That's when users are most likely to tweet upbeat, enthusiastic messages, and least likely to send downbeat tweets steeped in fear, distress, anger or guilt, according to a study of million tweets sent over two years by 2. One likely factor? Macy says. Other social networking is better done later in the day. If you want your tweets to be re-tweeted, post them between 3 p.]

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