The Best Practices Of Campus Recruitment -

The Best Practices Of Campus Recruitment - were not

After all, candidates are interviewing employers just as much as they are interview them. According to Splash , an event marketing platform that helps HR teams host internal and recruiting events, here are some of the most common pitfalls to avoid with recruiting events:. Skimping on your event materials: Not investing in high-quality event branding is a mistake. Banners, swag bags, virtual backgrounds — now is the time to immerse your candidates into your brand and get them excited about your company. An easy way to make that happen: Use an event marketing platform that integrates with your applicant tracking system. Instead, have executives or team leads attend so candidates can get a genuine feel for how it would be working for them.

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The Best Practices Of Campus Recruitment. The Best Practices Of Campus Recruitment

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Best Practices for Top Notch On-Campus Recruiting The Best Practices Of Campus Recruitment

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Difference between Talent Acquisition and Recruitment

The simplest of stories can elicit emotion in all of us. Their story? Buy a pair of their shoes, and…. CoreAxis is a leading learning solutions agency that specializes in developing and delivering custom engagements that drive business impact.

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The Best Practices Of Campus Recruitment

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The Best Practices Of Campus Recruitment

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