The And Substance Abuse Treatment -

The And Substance Abuse Treatment

Shawn insisted that he was not committing any crime, whether drug-related or not, and he was not charged with anything. Shawn was born in Argentina, but grew up in the United States from the age of two. As you might Treamtent, he regarded the US as his country and his culture. But the Land of the Free let him down; he was undocumented, and several years ago, was deported.


That made Shawn one of hundreds of thousands of undocumented people forced out of the US on drug-related pretexts. He is currently collaborating with the University of California, Los Angeles, in on a study The And Substance Abuse Treatment a pilot safe consumption program in the border region, and previously worked with University of California, San Diego on a program to promote harm reduction knowledge among police officers in Tijuana.

In other words, forcing people into abstinence-only treatment has become a systematic act of discrimination and abuse. Not that we needed any reminder. Even as a privileged, white drug user in Canada, I have been in and out of treatment facilities for most of my life — often under pressure from people in my life — and so have some way of imagining what truly forced treatment must feel like.

The And Substance Abuse Treatment

Yet those experiences could never compare with those endured by marginalized people the world over. Up to 80 people were forced to live on the floor of one room and participate in step meetings.

Just in...

Because the unethical, punitive practice of forced treatment is inflicted all over the world. One study found that of a sample of countries, 69 percent had criminal laws that provided for compulsory drug treatment of some kind. In Mexico, the treatment centers concerned are known as anexos.

The And Substance Abuse Treatment

They are private facilities, but operated in coordination with the Mexican authorities. InVice reported on these secretive, abusive treatment centers.]

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