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Teaching and Learning Styles Teaching and Learning Styles

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Discover Your Learning Style Teaching and Learning Styles

The high-quality British education you'll receive at Bellerbys will help you thrive at your chosen university. Every Bellerbys student gets the support of a dedicated personal tutor.

Learn from the experts

You'll learn from excellent teachers, chosen for their experience in teaching international students. Extended teaching time and ongoing, individual assessment will help you get great results. Even the activities you do outside of the classroom are designed to help you get to where you want to be in life. At Bellerbys your education is tailor made for you. Learn from excellent teachers, chosen for their experience in teaching international students Teaching and Learning Styles like you. Our expert teachers might ask you to investigate new topics in your own language. They do this to make sure you really understand.

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Everything we do is focussed on helping you to progress. Bellerbys practices blended learning, using online resources to supplement our lessons.

Teaching and Learning Styles

ELearning gives students access to materials before their lessons, so class time can be reserved for discussion and debate. Students have access to a Virtual Learning Environment, a web-based learning platform for submitting homework, online testing and tracking progress. Bellerbys encourages students to take control of their learning experience. Enrichment programmes linked to your academic subjects help you develop skills valued by universities.

I have met teachers that have inspired me in so many ways and taught me new lessons which I will take with me through my journey in life. Now studying Accounting and Finance at University of Sussex. Learning styles and teaching strategies. Learning and teaching style.

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Learn from the experts The high-quality British education you'll receive at Bellerbys will help you thrive at your chosen university. Learn from excellent teachers, chosen for their experience in teaching international students just like you Teachers that understand you Our expert Sfyles might ask you to investigate new topics in your own language. Technology in the classroom Bellerbys practices blended learning, using online resources to supplement our lessons. International environment A truly international environment — with 64 nationalities represented in our colleges. Enrichment programmes Enrichment programmes linked Ldarning your academic subjects help you develop skills valued by universities.

Help to improve your English Help with Teaching and Learning Styles your English language skills while you experience life in the UK. Safe and secure environment A place to feel safe and secure — with hour security at our residences. Informal and friendly atmosphere Informal, friendly Colleges with caring staff and language advisors ready to help you.

Teaching and Learning Styles to do the little things Help with the little things — like using local transport and finding out about living in the UK. Shajaniey from Malaysia "Support from the teachers here is just so amazing.]

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