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Student Loan Debt Has Become A Major Video

18 Vs. 28 Vs. 38: Student Loans Student Loan Debt Has Become A Major Student Loan Debt Has Become A Major

Obviously, the new president will have a lot on his plate. Thanks to an unprecedented four years under a Trump Administration which has largely gutted several government agencies and enacted dangerous policies for Americans, Biden will have to act quickly and decisively.

Biden signals he’s open to student loan debt relief but is it enough?

Writing off billions of dollars in student debt could help JoeBiden address income and wealth gaps for Black households. However, many point to it as a plan he can execute quickly and on his own. That means it can be done regardless of who controls the Senate without passing any new laws. Although it sounds like forgiving student load debt would be an easy move, some are asking should it be done? The Squad the nickname given to Reps.

Student Loan Debt Has Become A Major

The bill aims to provide immediate monthly payment relief to those who have taken out federal student loans and crucially prevent those with student debts from having to make involuntary payments during the coronavirus pandemic.

And in response to many who are against the idea, AOC had the perfect clap back.

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In a tweet on Tuesday, she dismissed arguments against canceling hefty debts accrued in further education. I think Dems are wildly underestimating the intensity of anger college loan cancelation is going to provoke.

Student Loan Debt Has Become A Major

Those with college debt will be thrilled, of course. But lots and lots of people who didn't go to college or who worked to pay off their debts? Gonna be bad.

Student Loan Debt Has Become A Major

Many opposed to canceling student debt claim that it would create resentment in those who spent a long time paying off their own college debts. Other critics of debt forgiveness state that a bailout will simply redistribute the debt to other Americans, and will largely benefit those who can afford to go to college, disproportionately helping a well-off segment of society at the expense of the taxpayer. Something those people should keep in mind, though, is that their experience of massive student loan debt is not one shared by every generation of students.]

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