Smart Phones The Negative Effects Of Smartphones -

Smart Phones The Negative Effects Of Smartphones Smart Phones The Negative Effects Of Smartphones Smart Phones The Negative Effects Of Smartphones

Outline Thesis: Unless the risks of usage of cell phones outweighs the benefits, we should educate people on how to manage their usage of cell phones or use a different mean of communication. The Effects that Cell Phones have on Society.

Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones – 7 Things You Need To Know:

Introduction In the United States of America, there are over one hundred million cell phone users. This number is growing at an astonishing rate of more than sixty thousand people per day. Cellular Telephones Thirty percent of all Americans have joined the mobile-phone revolution. A decade ago, cell phone usage in the United States was a rarity. Raloff The most common domestic appliance that Americans use Sjart day is the cell phone, and we deserve the right to know the effects that this appliance is having on us. There are also many risks associated with cell phone usage.

We must outweigh the risks and benefits for ourselves to decide if using cell phones is really worth it.

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Unless the risks of usage of cell phones outweighs the benefits, we should educate people on how to manage their usage of cell phones or use a different mean of communication. Cell Phones can be Distracting! Cell phones can be a distracting nuisance in the busy life an American. People have been encouraged to carry on phone conversations in inappropriate situations. Many citizens complain that cell phones often interrupt church services and Lord Byron Poet activities that require silence or concentration. Cell phones frequently disrupt recreational and cultural functions, breaking down traditional lines between work and leisure. Cellular Telephones Many people complain that cell phones are invasive devices.

Events such as weddings, funerals and live Smart Phones The Negative Effects Of Smartphones productions are often interrupted when cell phone calls are received. Negatibe phones have made uninterrupted private or leisurely activities a rarity. Some citizens are also concerned Smartphoes cell phones can cause car accidents by encouraging drivers to talk on the phone while behind the wheel. Cell phone conversations can diminish the ability for a driver to identify hazards and avoid accidents. Benjamin King, a spokesperson for Highway Watch, a California-based highway safety organization in Los Angeles, says that carrying a conversation while driving is just as dangerous as driving drunk. Many people claim that cell phone usage irritates them. They claim that it detracts people from the quality of life in general.

Smart Phones The Negative Effects Of Smartphones

As cell phone usage increases with little restriction, some citizens are demanding limits on when and where phone conversations can take place. Cellar Telephones Cell Phones can make you dumb!? Do you use shorter versions of words or even use letters to symbolize those words? Can I die from using cell phones? Will one phone call to your grandmother be the last phone call that you ever make, or will you get cancer from the radioactivity that cell phones emit?

Many citizens have become concerned that cell phones can cause cancer.

Smart Phones The Negative Effects Of Smartphones

For many years, health experts have investigated claims TThe the radio waves emitted and received by cell phones could heat brain tissues, leading to genetic mutations that cause formation of cancerous and noncancerous tumors. Cellular Telephones Cell Phones generate electromagnetic fields that affect biological tissues and create diseases, putting millions of people at risk. EMFs are all around us in any object that has an electrical charge. There are invisible lines of force that surround all wiring and electrical instruments.]

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