![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Schizophrenia Is A Very Serious Mental Disorder](https://jyq1.blogs.rice.edu/files/2019/06/schizophrenia-what-you-need-to-know-4156588_v2-1ece0061ce034993b95efb6ad3e95cbf.png)
Schizophrenia Is A Very Serious Mental Disorder - that would
Neighbors — please be mindful of social distancing guidelines while you do your part to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. See the latest guidance from the CDC here. This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness, but it is treatable. It can affect how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It may seem like people with schizophrenia have lost touch with reality, which can be disturbing for the person, their family members, and friends. It is typically diagnosed in late teen years to earlier 30s and can be seen earlier in males. Symptoms can include hearing voices, hallucinations, and disordered speech. To register, please call 1. Schizophrenia Is A Very Serious Mental DisorderWhat is Schizophrenia? I still remember my internship days done during my post-graduation. There was visible excitement, exchange of ideas, thoughts regarding various disorders but what bound all Example D2 us together was the curiosity to hear and understand patients who were suffering from severe category of disorders. Due to some coincidence, I was given the opportunity to take the case of a person having a history of schizophrenia and who was till present day struggling with the same.
I did not know before encountering the person regarding the diagnosis, but like Schizophrenia Is A Very Serious Mental Disorder other psychology student, I was nervous yet excited for it was for the very first time I was taking a case history of a possible patient.
The process of taking the case history was very smooth and calm and much to my astonishment, I did not once doubt her diagnosis until she herself shared her history of schizophrenia with us. The excitement among other interns when they knew of what case I had taken was very visible and to an extent embarrassing too.
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They kept on getting excited about how fortunate I was and congratulated me. The interns wanted to know how the patient looked, what all was spoken and discussed and I got conscious of myself for a moment.

Why is there so much enigma over a debilitating disorder? Over a condition which is so life-threatening and thus serious? What does this excitement mean?

Schizophrenia as a word has increasingly become a common phenomena. But do we really know what schizophrenia is? The understanding of the symptoms presented by the mental condition? Schizophrenia is very simple terms can be considered as a disconnection from reality.
It is a psychotic disorder in which the person might be experiencing extreme emotional states, bizarre thought patterns, bodily movements etc. There is a visible disorientation in terms of reality and there is also present imaginings of objects, events not existent in the present living moment.
There are various sub-categories of this condition but collectively it is labeled as schizophrenia in the DSM There are three categories of symptoms namely positive delusions, disorganized speech and thinking, hallucinations, inappropriate affect etcnegative poverty of speech, blunted and flat affect, social withdrawal etc and psychomotor catatonia. While there are in existence bizarre additions such that the person might start imagining Schizophrenia Is A Very Serious Mental Disorder kinds of scenarios, objects, people etc; there is also the derailment in thoughts occurring wherein there is a jumble of thought patterns inconsistent to each other. The person with this condition might experience a complete absence of speech or speak in great continuous volumes. There can be abrupt surges of click inside a person having schizophrenia as a result of which there is increased chances of them harming other people or themselves.

This rage which might be perceived as illogical to the layman is justified for the person experiencing it, for this rage has been built-up through the years due to lack of expression, space to process etc. While it is important to know the symptoms, many fail to understand as to why such a mental condition occur. There may be many factors. In various researches, it has been found that schizophrenia is a genetic disorder which can occur in alternative generations. Such a situation might occur when both the parents are working, mother might be suffering from some ailment such as a medical condition, post-partum depression and the like, unwanted child etc.]
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