Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review -

Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review - nice message

Both have their own perspective about money and both have different principles in life. As a kid, Robert wanted to know how to get rich because they were tired of other kids not wanting to play with them because they were 'poor kids'. His educated dad told him. DAD is a story about family, missed opportunities, and estranged relationships, along with dedication, commitments, and loyalty. I found this movie inspiring, as well as, an accurate portrayal of not only aging, but more importantly, the power. Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review

Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review Video

Should You Read: Rich Dad Poor Dad? - Review

The stock investor will benefit from it. The real estate investor will benefit from it. And in a strange way, those who have invested only in their education will Dzd from it, too. We think this book should be taught in every high school. One gets rich by making smart financial decisions. They increase their financial literacy and then use their knowledge to build wealth. Instead, it prepares us to go out into the world in search of a job. We understand the financial statements. We know how to read the cash flow statement.

A Review of Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Thinking back to Accountingwe learned both the direct Dadd indirect methods of preparing the cash flow statement. We learned how creditors use the financial statements when extending credit. We have Robert Kiyosaki to thank for that. The premise of Rich Dad, Poor Dad is simple: spend your money on assets instead of liabilities.

Rich Dad Poor Dad (Book Review)

An asset generates income, while a liability generates an expense. If you buy assets, you can use the income from your assets to incur expenses. Money spent on liabilities will continue to work against you, while money Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review on assets will continue to work for you. We love the simplicity with which Robert Kiyosaki dissects accounting terms that, to a non-accountant, might be intimidating. It prepared us for a job. From their, building wealth is up to us. If you want a strong cash flow statement, buy as many assets as you can.

It feels out of reach to many. Turning your monthly income into millions is a daunting task. Those who do, and succeed, have something in common: they take a task that others are intimidated by and they break it down into manageable steps. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is structured around six lessons, each of which will get you iRch step Roch to the wealth you desire:. You have to read the book to learn each of the lessons. Knowledge without action is worthless.

We love the fact that the book is written from the perspective of a very young Robert Kiyosaki, but also incorporates experience that he gained as an adult. A dollar invested on the stock market by a child will grow just Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review same as a dollar invested by an adult. The only difference is that the child has more time to let the dollar grow.

Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review

We wish we knew this when we were children. We piled our money into baseball cards instead. We learned a lot about investing and financial markets without even realizing that we were learning about investing and financial markets. In hindsight, we could have done more. We recommend reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad for two reasons: 1 so you can be a rich parent, and 2 so you can teach your children to be rich. We only publish positive Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review because we only review books that provide value to our readers. Rich Dad, Poor Dad fits the demographic because it provides an immense amount of value. Nonetheless, we have a bone to pick with Mr. The book has an underlying theme that formal education and lifelong employment is bad. The trap that most people fall into starts with debt and ends with working the rest of their lives for an employer in order to scrape by.

Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review

Kiyosaki on debt.]

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