Responsibilities Of The Founding Fathers Of Our -

Responsibilities Of The Founding Fathers Of Our Video

America’s Founding, Ep. 1: Why Our Founding Fathers Risked It All Responsibilities Of The Founding Fathers Of Our Responsibilities Of The Founding Fathers Of Our

Did the founders anticipate a Donald Trump? I would say yes. As James Madison wrote in Foundingg most prominent of his contributions to the Federalist Papers, "Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm. Fortunately the founders built a durable system, one that often in recent years has stymied Trump.

He has tried to introduce a retrogressive personal form of rule, but repeatedly has run into a Constitution built instead to foster the rule of law. Over the last several years we have seen Madison's checks and balances operate robustly.

Responsibilities Of The Founding Fathers Of Our

Madison designed a structure that could accommodate people acting unethically and venally. Again, our national political gridlock sometimes is not a bug but a feature.

It shows our system is working. The key task is to do our best to make sure the machinery of the system works. This begins with ensuring that eligible citizens aFthers able to vote. This ballot box is the basic building block of our system. We should appreciate how strong and flexible our Constitution is.

Responsibilities Of The Founding Fathers Of Our

It is all too easy, as one watches the follies and failings of humanity, to conclude that we live in a particularly wicked time. In a poll taken just as I was writing the first part of this book, the majority of Americans surveyed said they think they are living at the lowest point in American history. So it is instructive to be reminded that Jefferson held similar beliefs about his own era.

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He wrote that there were "three epochs in history signalized by the total extinction of national morality. As an aside, Trump's attacks on immigrants might raise a few eyebrows among the founders. Seven of the 39 people who signed the Constitution were themselves born abroad, most notably Https:// and James Wilson. Read more: 'I love depreciation': How big companies use Trump-like maneuvers to play the tax code in their favor.]

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