Recognizing the Armenian Genocide -

Recognizing the Armenian Genocide

Recognizing the Armenian Genocide Video

Turkey condemns US vote to rule 1915 killings of Armenians as genocide Recognizing the Armenian Genocide

The United States has not yet officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. Indeed, although many American leading personalities, associations, U. States and institutions have done so, the U.

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Congress, mostly because of pressure from the executive branch, itself under Turkish pressure, has not legislated on that matter. The reasons why some, particularly among the executive Recognizing the Armenian Genocide, and usually including the President and the Secretary of State themselves, have blocked any progress of official recognition are mostly—although not only—geopolitical. The main idea against such opposition is the preservation of Turkey, traditionally and still today perceived as a major ally, and therefore the protection of U.

Subsequently, many countries and most Western democracies have also recognized it.

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Some of these countries not only recognized but also condemned these events and their perpetrators, and some, such as Slovakia, Slovenia or Switzerland, even decided to forbid its denial by judicially penalizing Armenian Genocide denial. This very point and its reasons have been Armrnian explored by the academia and the main goal of this article is to establish which U. This situation is mostly due to a deadlock due to active hindrance from the administration, where different Presidents have continuously made considerable efforts in order to Recognizing the Armenian Genocide the Congress from legislating on this issue.

Recognizing the Armenian Genocide

The second and third parts of this article will focus on the reasons for the above-mentioned deadlock. They are mostly geopolitical, and related to the fact that U.

Recognizing the Armenian Genocide

They are also political and economic. However, today, no major American media organization openly denies the Armenian Genocide. Some of these titles have even officially recognized the Armenian Genocide by a statement or a declaration. Other media organizations seem to maintain a tougher and seem to be closer to revisionism.]

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