Questions On The Security Dilemma -

Questions On The Security Dilemma

Questions On The Security Dilemma - seems

Based on our readings this week, do you think there are times when unauthorized disclosures of classified information should be defended as ethical even if legally prohibited? What role do whistleblowers serve in a democratic society? Consider the case of Thomas A. Precede each answer with the question and its corresponding number. What is risk management? Why is the identification of risks, by listing assets and their vulnerabilities, so important to the risk management process? Skip to content. Discussion 2. Inquire from us on matters homework. Questions On The Security Dilemma

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The Security Dilemma and Robert

Questions On The Security Dilemma - very good

On this Armistice Day let us consider all the awful things Trump might do to shit on the country that rejected him. This article at Politico explains :. The question is, can these Trump loyalists in the Pentagon conspire to somehow force the military to back up a Trump coup? The brass hates Trump, and the military is not supposed to obey unconstitutional orders, even from the President. If Trump is destabilizing the Pentagon to set up something, it would more likely be some kind of sabotage by a foreign power. But chances are there is no plan and Trump is just being a jerk. Questions On The Security Dilemma

While abrupt, the dismissal of Christopher Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, was not a surprise. Since his loss, Trump has been ridding his administration of officials seen as insufficiently loyal and has been denouncing the conduct of an election that led to an embarrassing defeat to Democrat Joe Biden.

That made Krebs a prime target. The Questions On The Security Dilemma of Krebs, a Trump appointee, came the week after the dismissal of Defense Secretary Mark Esper, part of a broader shakeup that put Trump loyalists in senior Pentagon positions. Link former Microsoft executive, Krebs ran the agency, known as CISA, from its creation in the wake of Russian interference with the election through the November election.

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He won bipartisan praise as CISA coordinated federal state and local efforts to defend electoral systems from foreign or domestic interference. Qiestions before being dismissed, Krebs tweeted out a report citing 59 election security experts saying there is no credible evidence of computer fraud in the election outcome. Trump responded on Twitter later in the day. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. One of the few Republicans joining in the criticism was Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, a frequent Trump critic. Krebs kept a low profile even as he voiced confidence ahead of the November vote and, afterward, knocked down allegations that the count was tainted by fraud.

Questions On The Security Dilemma

CISA issued statements dismissing claims that large numbers of dead people could vote or that someone could change results without detection. It also distributed a statement from a coalition of federal and state officials concluding there was no evidence that votes were compromised or altered in the Nov.

Questions On The Security Dilemma

Krebs avoided ever directly criticizing the president and tried to stay above the political fray, even as he worked to contradict misinformation coming from the president and his supporters. CISA works with the state and local officials who run U. The agency emerged from rocky beginnings. Just before President Barack Obama left office, the U.

Politics. Society. Group Therapy.

Some state election officials and Republicans, suspicious of federal intrusion on their turf, were opposed to the designation. The National Association of Secretaries of State adopted a resolution in opposition to the move in February But the Trump administration supported the designation, and, eventually, skeptical state officials welcomed the assistance. By Associated Press. More in Uncategorized.]

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