Promotional Mix Marketing Mix -

Promotional Mix Marketing Mix - opinion you

Your business' promotional mix is the collection of tools you use that explicitly promote your business, products, or services. This includes advertising, public relations, personal selling, direct marketing, and sales promotions. A promotional mix should be designed to show your target audience the benefits, features, and values of the products or services you offer. This helps differentiate you from your competition and drive sales. Creating the right promotional mix will depend on your business, customers, and industry. There are several elements to choose from. Advertising is the paid promotion and presentation of ideas, services, and goods by a specific sponsor to a mass medium.

Promotional Mix Marketing Mix - apologise, there

Product is the good or service being produced and sold in the market. This includes all the features of the product as well as its final packaging. New Product Development : development of a new product by a business. The process:. Extension strategies: marketing techniques used to extend the maturity stage of a product to keep the product in the market :. Price is the amount of money producers are willing to sell or consumer are willing to buy the product for. The PED of a product refers to the responsiveness of the quantity demanded for it to changes in its price. Producers can calculate the PED of their product and take suitable action to make the product more profitable. The law of demand states that a fall in price increases the demand. The producers get more profit. Promotional Mix Marketing Mix Promotional Mix Marketing Mix

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Promotional Mix Marketing Mix

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