Pericles The Golden Ruler -

Pericles The Golden Ruler Pericles The Golden Ruler

Pericles became the leader of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War and was responsible for the rebuilding and reconstructing of this city. He became very powerful and well known through out the age of the 5th century, so powerful that this became known as the age of Pericles. He was the son of Xanthippus and Agariste. His, Xanthippus was a military leader during the Peloponnesian Wars and was Peridles victor at the Battle of Mycale.

Pericles The Golden Ruler

Pericles The Golden Ruler would later ostracize himself in the spring of Pericles came from a line of royalty which made it all the more easier for him to come to power. The helots revolt in Sparta and the current leader of Athens, Cimon lead troops to aid Sparta which the people of Athens did not agree with. The Spartans sent them back to Athens in fear that the democratic ideas of Athens would take effect in Sparta. When Cimon returned he was ostracized by the people of Athens and Pericles came into power in The things discussed in this essay will tell why Pericles was a good attribute to the city-state of Athens. The three most Pdricles contributions that he made to Athens are the long wall, the structures he built on the Acropolis, and his military achievements.

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From Pericles constructed the long walls of Athens. After fighting the Persians in the Greco-Persian Wars the walls that were once built to protect the city of Athens were destroyed.

Pericles The Golden Ruler

The new walls that Pericles planned to make were going to be much greater than the walls that once protected Athens. These walls would stretch to the coast of Piraeus which was about 4. This was a peninsula and also gave them access to three harbors.

Pericles and Athens

Eventually, Piraeus would become one of the major military harbors for Athens and the construction of the middle wall will begin in The middle wall was supposed to be in the same proportion as the wall that was built in Piraeus. It was built so Goldem in the case of sea invasion, it would buy them enough time to retreat to the more narrow walls of the Piraeus-Athens wall, where the Athenians would make their stand. These were not only used for military purposes but also the economic use. Over time the port of Piraeus became more of a use Pericles The Golden Ruler trade rather than a military base.

The Early Adopters

These walls provided a safe route from the sea port all the way to the city with out the fear of a siege. This also worked to an advantage in the military aspect because they could transport troops from the city of Athens all the way to the port without fear of attack from the North Long Wall and The South Peicles Wall. This structure was important to the city of Athens in more than one way.

The most important ways were mainly economic and military purposes, but this was a great contribution that Pericles made. Another remarkable contribution that Pericles to Athens were Pericles The Golden Ruler structures link were built in the Acropolis. Most of the Acropolis had been destroyed or was in ruins after war with the Persians. Since Rulef was around the time of Pericles coming to power most people looked to him for hope of rebuilding their city.

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Pericles began the reconstruction of the Acropolis around and hired the best sculptors and architects to work on this project. The people who were put in charge of rebuilding the Acropolis were Phidias, Ictinus, and Callicrates. Ictinus and Callicrates were well known architects in Athens and would construct one of the most well known structures of all time the Parthenon. Pericles was in the process of reconstructing the long walls at this time therefore he had to leave this project to his two trusted architects.

The Parthenon was built in the place of the Temple to Athena and would at one point be used as the treasury for the Delian League. In the Propylaea, or the gates to the Acropolois, were being built Pericles The Golden Ruler Mnesicles. These gates had columns made of Pentelic Marble which were built in place of the old gates which somewhat remained.]

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