Partition Of The British India Video
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Partition Of The British India - And have
The Partition of India was one of the most traumatic incidents that took place on the Indian subcontinent. The difficulties of the time have been forever etched into the minds of those who directly suffered the fatal blows of this separation. It was a politically charged emotional nightmare that affected people of all faiths and social standing. The anxiety and the wounds this transition inflicted continue to remain fresh even after 73 years of independence. The consequences of the event still continue to politically influence the subcontinent. Great thinkers on both sides have made attempts to move forward. And yet, the landscape of violence and loss juxtaposed with an ever-growing sense of nostalgia continue to haunt the people. While history has recorded the events and bloodshed in striking details, the laments and pathos of the time can only be understood when one dwells in the works of the partition poets. The works of these poets have immortalised the sufferings of the time all but from a very personal understanding of the event.Almost all countries throughout the world have experienced at least one Or historical moment which in many ways defines generations to come. For those which have emerged from the colonial grip it can be the moment at which they achieved their independence. For others it can be the moment when regional differences can no longer be papered over and they then erupt into conflict.
Partition Of The British India for India their defining moment would of course be partition, a division imposed on India and Pakistan by the retreating British government. One which ultimately cost the lives of an estimated two million people, while also leaving another ten to twelve million homeless. A partition which also resulted in another war, one in Bangladesh, when that country subsequently fought for its own independence. Three separate countries carved out of an originally whole.
A gaping wound which lingers to this very day, a wound which continues to haunt generations even now. Vazira Fazila-Yacoobali highlighted this fact by recollecting her own personal story. Her aunt who lives in India is facing eviction and yet her mother in Pakistan, who desperately wants to help, cannot because of the regional division.
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A division which means that her mother cannot travel there and her aunt cannot come to live with them in Pakistan. Their personal tragedy is a living legacy of the tragedy of partition. Kavita Puri spoke of her dad who as a child lived through this terrible time, but he has chosen to remain silent about it. She pointed out that her dad was not unlike others from his generation who moved home in the immediate aftermath of partition and then moved again, in their case to the United Bditish.

Once here they simply, she said wanted to get on with their lives and not look back. And Indiia children simply chose not to ask questions. Sam Dalrymple, who is a British historian, but has grown up in India, is currently writing a as well looking at partition but from an entirely different perspective.
Could the genocide have been avoided?
He has also worked on a separate project which seeks to connect those from the partition generation virtually with their childhood homes. I was struck by the complete disconnect between dialogue from each side. And when I went to university I had so many friends with grandparents who wanted to cross the border. So we decided to create virtual reality experiences for those who wanted to go back but could not, through our Project Dastaan. It is a peace-building initiative which examines the human impact of global migration through the lens of the largest forced migration in recorded history, the Partition of India and Pakistan. Lockdown though hit and we could no longer travel. She went on to say that this is particularly prevalent for women who may have been the victims of sexual violence so their experiences only live in their silences.
Kavita continued and stated though that it was crucial for second and third Partition Of The British India to find a compassionate way to break that silence.]
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