Occupational Therapy A Diverse Field Video
Developing Diversity in Physical Therapy: The Importance of Cultural Competence Occupational Therapy A Diverse FieldWe analyzed pediatric occupational therapist resumes along with a trove of other data to determine the demographics for pediatric occupational therapists. Just to be clear, by demographics we mean the study of population-based factors like age, race and sex.
Vivage Quality Health Partners
On top of scouring through resumes, we also took note of job proposals from employers and Census Bureau Fiepd. And guess what? Https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/purdue-owl-research-paper/assignment-3-understanding-innovation-and-change-in.php found some pretty interesting information.
For example, the pediatric occupational therapists workforce reached a whopping ,! Among those workers, we discovered that But we didn't stop there. Of the large workforce crowd, the most common ethnicity is White. Pediatric occupational therapists are also more likely to work at private companies in comparison to education companies.

Occupationa it a step further, pediatric occupational therapists are more likely to find a job in the health care industry. And perhaps the best information we found was that California, Alaska, Massachusetts, Vermont and Utah are where pediatric occupational therapists find the highest salaries. From race to gender and even age, we found the average demographic information on those who work as pediatric occupational therapists.

Keep reading to find out what the results for pediatric occupational therapists were. Among pediatric occupational therapists, The most common ethnicity among pediatric occupational therapists is White, which makes up Fiedl, there are 9. The chart below shows that The second-most popular foreign language spoken is French at Using the Census Bureau data, we found out how the percentage of each ethnic category trended between among pediatric occupational therapists.
Pediatric Occupational Therapist Diversity
This data shows how men and women predominate in the pediatric occupational therapist position over time. The Bureau of Labor Statistics came in clutch when it came down to figuring out how the unemployment rate has changed over time. Between andthis is how the number of pediatric occupational therapists changed. We compared this job title with other job titles to see how gender percentages varied. As you can see, flight surgeon and nutrient management specialist have the Occupational Therapy A Diverse Field difference in gender. The amount you can make as a pediatric occupational therapist can depend on where you live.
Use our chart to find out where that salary is located.
Other details
The map here shows where pediatric occupational therapists earn the highest salaries in the U. The darker areas across the 50 states highlight the highest salaries.

By looking through more than resumes, we found that the most popular places for pediatric occupational therapists are New York, NY and Miami, FL. We looked over job openings to determine where in the country pediatric occupational therapists are in the most demand. This section highlights the information we gathered about the types of businesses and industries that employ pediatric occupational therapists. We found that the most common Occupationwl type is private.]
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