Notes On Indian Aviation And Airlines - are
Times Internet Limited. All rights reserved. For reprint rights. Times Syndication Service. Globe Icon An icon of the world globe. Amazon Sale. Notes On Indian Aviation And Airlines.Much like the nuclear arms race of the 20th century, Artificial Intelligence AI arms race poses the new challenge in 21st century. Autonomous operations by aerial drones, robots and naval systems are fast replacing the manned platforms in every role. Aerial systems which cover large distances at very high speeds will be the key beneficiaries of AI. AI shall provide enhanced air warfare capabilities such as target identification, designation and tracking, optimised attack manoeuvre and click combat engagements.
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As USA and China compete over AI-enabled military hardware, AI technologies are being incorporated into autonomous drones, new generation missiles with autonomous targeting capabilities and autonomous robotic submarines. AI could offer advantage to new players.

Notes On Indian Aviation And Airlines According to sources, India ranks third in the world in terms of high-quality research publications related to AI. AI will support Airlimes to destruction of adversary military capabilities through the disruptive use of AI. Conscious of its force multiplier effects, the Indian Armed Forces are evolving a roadmap for inducting AI technologies. The development of computer systems to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and translation between languages is termed as AI.
Intelligent machines that can interpret complex data; perceive the environment and take appropriate actions using learning and problem solving techniques, are termed to have AI. As it is in humans, AI processes include perception, reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, statistical analysis, computation and finally manipulates output. It has evolved using expertise in fields Anx as computer sciences, mathematics, psychology, neuroscience, among others. AI applications already exist in industrial machines, automotive industry, surgery and aviation.
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In the early s, AI got a boost with the commercial success of expert systems. See more s, AI began to be used for logistics, data mining and medical diagnosis. By mids, machine learning applications became common across the world. A significant amount of collected data never actually gets analysed as the analytical capacity of AI is low. AI will help connect billions of individuals and machines in a nano second. Similar exercise needs to be done by connecting Notes On Indian Aviation And Airlines space, air, surface and sub-surface platforms to pass relevant information about own and adversary positions and actions.
Projects are Infian partnership with the industry, academia and allies and will monitor all individual service and defense agency AI efforts. The Chinese government too is pursuing an aggressive policy for the development of AI.
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There are a growing number of collaborations between defence and academic institutions in China. There is increased cooperation between military and civilian scientists Notes On Indian Aviation And Airlines developing AI. A new city named Era, devoted entirely to military innovation, is currently under construction. It submitted its report in June. The MoD implemented the recommendations by providing an institutional framework for policy implementation, issuing guidelines to the defence organisations and laying out a vision for capacity-building. The government was studying a task force report by a group led by Natarajan Chandrasekharan, Chairman Tata Sons, which had recommended the use of technology in aviation, naval, land, cyber, nuclear and biological warfare. This, he said, had a potential to provide military superiority through both defensive and offensive actions.
Precise application of kinetic power has been the hallmark of aerial warfare. To achieve maximum effect and minimise collateral effects, requires instant intelligence.

AI supports terabytes of data to convert into actionable intelligence in near real time. AI and deep learning is being used for missions on smarter and fully autonomous platforms and also for automating the process of testing and analysis. AI will help access, analyse and process abundance of data from aircraft sensors, weapons and satellites. Let computers do what computers are good at and Notes On Indian Aviation And Airlines humans do what humans are good at, is the approach. Predator drones loiter autonomously taking out targets with pinpoint accuracy.
In integrated manned-unmanned missions, US Army Apache crew have been successfully controlling flight path and sensor loads of unmanned systems in the air. Launch, flight at supersonic speed and recovery of an F Falcon without a pilot in the cockpit as far back as inshows possibilities of manned and AI-enabled unmanned fighter formations coordinating and sharing seamlessly various tasks in execution of a complex mission. The software compensates for all the damaged components by relying on the undamaged components. Technologies that help drones avoid terrain, obstacles, traffic and weather or self-diagnose a mechanical problem and returns to base using AI are already in use.]
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