News Media and the Coverage of Darfur -

News Media and the Coverage of Darfur - only reserve

About ninety-five participants, including 35 women attended the two forums, which were addressed by community leaders of the two occupational groups; peaceful coexistence committees and agricultural protection committees and chief sheikhs of the Fur and Nazir of the Northern Rezeigat, who all sensitized the participants on the importance of peaceful coexistence and encouraged them to resolve their disputes through established local peace mechanisms in the area. In both forums, participants commended UNAMID for the unique approach of bringing together local communities and local authorities in one dialogue forum to discuss root causes of the local conflict; raise awareness on peaceful coexistence and importance of peaceful resolution of intercommunal violence. They outlined that the approach of joint local peacebuilding activities through dialogue forums, initiated by GCSS in collaboration with local authorities since , had contributed to the restoration of relationships between pastorals and farming communities in the two areas. Further, they added that the involvement of local authorities in the dialogue process have impacted positively on the improvement of security situation and public services deliveries including deployment of more joint forces, establishment of communication networks, and establishment of water points away from farming areas to prevent inter-communal conflict over crop destruction. During the forums, the participants discussed durable ways to address the root causes of inter-communal conflicts and proposed several recommendations which include restoration of state authority and rule of law; establishment of local peace mechanisms to provide mediation between farmers and herders; installation of water pumps at nomadic settlements; reopening blocked seasonal migratory routes; promotion of dialogue between the two occupational groups. News Media and the Coverage of Darfur News Media and the Coverage of Darfur

President Donald Trump's appointed head of the U. Agency for Global Media is barred from making any further editorial or personnel decisions following a series of injunctions issued by a federal court late Friday, in what journalists called a major rebuke of the Trump administration's attempt to reshape government-funded news broadcasters. In Washington, D. District Judge Beryl A.

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Howell ruled in favor of five USAGM executives who were fired read article suspended in August at the direction of CEO Michael Pack, who took the helm of the agency in June and promptly dismissed several career officials in what was called a "Wednesday night massacre. Current and former USAGM employees applauded the ruling, with chief strategy officer Shawn Powers tweeting that Pack "has repeatedly and intentionally violated the First Amendment rights" of journalists at the agency. The lawsuit was filed after Pack opened an investigation into VOA 's chief White House reporter, Steve Herman, over unspecified concerns that he andd an anti-Trump bias.

The plaintiffs and many other critics inside and outside of the agency said Pack violated the "firewall" between political appointees and the broadcasters' newsrooms which is meant to keep the organizations from becoming mouthpieces for the White House.

News Media and the Coverage of Darfur

Progressive critics have long considered VOA a vehicle for U. However, the overt takeover by a Trump loyalist has raised alarm since June. A month after being confirmed by the U. Senate in a party-line vote to run the agency, the USAGM announced it would not renew visas for foreign journalists, potentially sending dozens of NNews who have worked for VOA and other broadcasters for years, back to countries where they could be persecuted. The decision was attributed by many critics to the Trump administration's "xenophobia.

News Media and the Coverage of Darfur

Under Howell's order, Pack will no longer be able to make personnel decisions for the remainder of his tenure, which is set to end in January when President-elect Joe Biden takes office. He also will not be permitted to communicate directly with editorial teams or investigate editors or their news stories.

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Howell said Pack's investigation of Herman imposed "an unconstitutional prior restraint not just on Herman's speech, but on the speech of [Herman's editors] and journalists at VOA. AlterNet counts on readers like you to support our coverage.

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