Napoleon Bonaparte s Influence On France And -

Napoleon Bonaparte s Influence On France And - the

Napoleon Bonaparte was a military general whose successes in the field eventually brought him the title of Emperor of France. Napoleon, who is usually known by his first name alone, is acknowledged as having greatly improved both organization and training in the military, as well as reforming the French education system. He was the sponsor of the Napoleonic Code, which remains the foundation of French civil law. Napoleon was twice captured by the British, eventually dying in exile on the Atlantic island of St. Napoleon was born in Ajaccio, the capital of the island of Corsica, on August 15, He was the son of Carlo Buonaparte, a prominent lawyer who had at one time supported the Corsican nationalists in their resistance to the French occupation of the island, but had later pledged his allegiance to France. After this, he went on to the Parisian military academy. Carlo, his father, died of stomach cancer in , while Napoleon was studying at the academy. Napoleon Bonaparte s Influence On France And Napoleon Bonaparte s Influence On France And

Napoleon Bonaparte s Influence On France And Video

Ten Minute History - The French Revolution and Napoleon (Short Documentary)

Napoleons family was Italian, but he later dropped the u in his name to make it appear more French.

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Napoleon was the second of eight children that reached adulthood. As a child, Napoleon was small and puny. His oversized head often threw him off balance and he had a terrible temper. At the age of 10, Napoleon was accepted at the military academy of Brienne, in northern France. All the students at this school belonged to aristocratic families, and Napoleon was the son of a petty noble in Corsica. He tried very hard to learn the French language, but never learned to spell.

Napoleon Bonaparte s Influence On France And

His handwriting was so atrocious that he himself could not read it. Since he had no friends he worked very hard studying and was accepted at the Ecole Militaire in Paris.

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It was at the Ecole Militaire that Napoleon really came up against snobbery. His fellow students mocked his Corsican accent and his unfashionable clothes.

Napoleon Bonaparte s Influence On France And

Napoleon read all the time and was outstanding in history, mathematics, and science. He was planning on joining the navy.

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But inexaminations for the navy were canceled. Since Napoleon was about to graduate, he decided to join the artillery. At age 16 he was commissioned as a second lieutenant, ranking 42nd out of 58 students. After completing school, Napoleon was sent to a regiment in Valence. He stayed for six months then took a leave of absence to help his family. After 22 months he returned, and impressed the commanding officers with his brilliant, detailed plans. It was during this time that the French Revolution was starting. Napoleon was overjoyed to hear of the abolition of laws that kept petty nobles confined to the ranks.

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This meant he could rise as high as he wanted in the French army. Napoleon took another series of leaves and joined the Corsican revolutionary movement. He did not return to the French army in time and was charged with desertion. Napoleon pleaded his case with the minister of war and was let off without punishment here made a captain. Once again he returned to Corsica and fought with the Corsicans again.

Napoleon Bonaparte s Influence On France And

When Corsica plunged into civil war in April Napoleon went to France with his family. During his seven and a half years in the French service he had only been on duty for 30 months. When the king was beheaded in Bonalartehis followers were horrified. In Toulon, royalist supporters called in the British to help them fight the revolutionary government.]

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