Nanotechnology Science Engineering And Medicine -

Nanotechnology Science Engineering And Medicine - are right

There are lots of easy nanotechnology science projects. You can make yourself look even smarter than you are! They will say, "Wow! You must be really smart doing nanotechnology". Anyway, kidding aside, this is the place to look for ideas. There are many lessons in out Nanotechnology Curriculum Materials that could be turned into science projects. Check them out. There are many products that contain nanotechnology so you may not even have to buy anything special. If you do a cool nanotechnology science project, send us a note and picture at rathbun cnf. If you give us permission, we will post it here. Nanotechnology Science Engineering And Medicine

When it comes to image integrity, all papers are equal. But some papers appear more equal than others. One of the senior authors also happens to be an Associate Editor of the journal, raising questions about whether the investigation could have been carried out in an objective way. The paper describes a method to efficiently deliver a drug named pirenzepine PRZ — designed to treat nearsightedness myopia — to the inner regions of the eye. PRZ is a very hydrophilic molecule, so therefore cannot easily travel through the cornea. In the paper, PRZ is incorporated into tiny soap-like bubbles, called micelles, which help the drug pass through the cornea to reach the inner part of the eye. Figure 3B purports to show an electron microscope photo of the PRZ micelles. Here is the image as it originally appeared in the paper. Some of the black dots, the micelles, looked unexpectedly similar to each other. I have Nanotechnology Science Engineering And Medicine most of these areas on the image below, using rounded boxes of the same color and shape.

You might even find a couple more of those repetitive areas! It seems very, very hard Career Strategies for Success think of circumstances that might lead multiple areas in a photographic image to become accidentally repeated. Figure 3B has a fairly high resolution, so these repetitions do not appear to be a compression artifact.

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The repetitive areas are Nanotechnology Science Engineering And Medicine picked Nanotechnology Science Engineering And Medicine using the image forensics tool Forensicallywhich suggests that these are not just similar shapes, but pixel-to-pixel identicalities. Of course, I cannot know what really happened to the image to cause these repeats. But the authors did admit something went wrong and replaced the image, without providing any explanation about what exactly occurred. The new image, remade years after the initial experiment, shows a much less uniform or spherical shape of the micelles. And allowing an image with repetitive features to be replaced with an entirely new photo feels like the equivalent of allowing a winner of the Tour De France to replace their positive urine sample with a clean one three years later.

The two senior authors on this paper, Thomas J. Shen was a visiting scholar at Northeastern for one year, and is now an associate professor at China Pharmaceutical University. Professor Webster has over 60 papers with PubPeer postsmost of which raise concerns about possible duplicated images within the same paper, or image reuse across different papers without proper attribution.

A couple of papers appear to have images with repeating areas within the same photo, much like the image discussed above. I reported these papers to the journals and also to Northeastern University in Marchbut have not heard back yet with any update. Update November Northeastern University acknowledged today that they received my email in March and that they are working on the case.

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Webster also happens to be an Associate Editor of the journal in which this paper has been published, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. In general, it is hard to accept that a journal could objectively investigate potential concerns in papers authored by its own Editor in Chief or Associate Editor. It would be like asking a student to grade their own paper and expecting them to be objective, or asking a CEO to fairly determine how high their own annual bonus should be. Engineerong

Nanotechnology Science Engineering And Medicine

In this case, it appears that the Editorial Board of the journal decided to be exceptionally lenient, seeking only a mild correction instead of retracting Nanotechnology Science Engineering And Medicine paper. But then this was a paper written by one of their own. COPE, the Committee on Publishing Ethics has issued several guidelines and flowcharts stating that the reader should be informed of the outcome of investigations of image or other data problems in scientific papers. This did not happen in any of the six article source so far — nor in many other cases.

And addressing image alteration with a correction also seems not in line with COPE guidelines, which recommend retraction in the case of image manipulation.

Nanotechnology Science Projects

Again, I am not sure if the image was manipulated, but it seems the most likely explanation, and the authors did not deny that this was the case. Very curious to hear about what the investigation from your emails back in March entails?!

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