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My Own

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My Own - that interrupt

As cases continue to increase rapidly across the United States, the safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving is to celebrate at home with the people you live with. Gatherings with family and friends who do not live with you can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID or the flu. Postponing travel and staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others this year. If you are considering traveling for Thanksgiving, here are some important questions to ask yourself and your loved ones beforehand. These questions can help you decide what is best for you and your family. If you choose to attend a gathering, make your celebration safer. In addition to following the steps that everyone can take to make Thanksgiving safer, take these additional steps if attending a Thanksgiving gathering:. If having guests to your home, be sure that people follow the steps that everyone can take to make Thanksgiving safer. These steps include:. My Own.

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Patti LaBelle - On My Own (Official Music Video) ft. Michael McDonald

Everyone Can Make Thanksgiving Safer

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