My Academic Interest On Gender And Kinship Video
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Judith Pamela Butler [2] born February 24, is an American philosopher and gender theorist whose work has influenced political philosophyethicsand the fields of third-wave feministqueer[3] and literary theory. Butler is best known for their books Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity and Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sexin which they challenge conventional notions of gender and develop their theory of gender performativity. This theory has had a major influence on feminist and queer scholarship.
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Butler has supported lesbian and gay rights movements and has spoken out on many contemporary political issues. Butler uses singular they pronouns and she pronouns. Their mother was raised Orthodoxeventually becoming Conservative and then Reformwhile their father was raised Reform. As a child and teenager, Butler attended both Hebrew school and special classes on Jewish ethicswhere they received their "first training in philosophy".

Butler stated in a interview with Haaretz that they began the ethics classes at the age of 14 and that they were created as a form of punishment by Butler's Hebrew school's Rabbi because they were "too talkative in class". Could German Idealism be held accountable for Nazism? And how was one to understand existential theologyincluding the work of Martin Buber? Butler attended Bennington College before transferring to Yale Universitywhere they studied philosophy, receiving their Bachelor of Arts degree in and their Doctor of Philosophy degree in They draw on the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and the feminism of Simone de Beauvoirnoting that both thinkers ground their theories in "lived experience" and view the sexual body Mg a historical idea or situation.
Butler argues that gender is best perceived as performative, which suggests that it has a social audience. It also suggests Gendeg performances of woman are compelled and enforced by historical social practice. For Butler, the "script" of gender performance is effortlessly transmitted generation to generation in the form of My Academic Interest On Gender And Kinship established "meanings": They state, "gender is not a radical choice According to Butler's theory, gender is essentially a performative repetition of acts associated with male or female. Currently, the actions appropriate for men and women have been transmitted to produce a social atmosphere that both maintains and legitimizes a seemingly natural gender binary. Butler argues that the performance of gender itself creates gender.
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Additionally, they compare the performativity of gender to the performance of the theater. They bring many similarities, including the idea of each individual functioning as an actor of their gender. However, Butler also brings to light a critical difference between gender performance in reality and theater performances. They explain how the theater is much less threatening and does not produce the same fear that gender performances often encounter because there is a clear distinction from reality within the theater. Butler uses Sigmund Freud 's notion of how a person's identity is modeled in terms of the normal.

Butler revises Freud's notion of this concept's applicability to lesbianism, where Freud says that lesbians are modeling their behavior on men, the perceived normal or ideal. Butler instead says that all gender works in this way of performativity and a representation of an internalized notion of gender norms. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity was first published inselling overcopies internationally, in multiple languages. The book has even inspired an intellectual fanzine, Judy! The crux of Butler's argument in Gender Trouble is that the coherence of the categories of sex, genderand sexuality—the natural-seeming Gendder, for example, of masculine gender and heterosexual desire in male bodies—is culturally constructed through the repetition of stylized acts in time.
Although the repeated, stylized bodily acts establish the appearance of an essential, ontological "core" gender, Butler understands gender, along with sex and sexuality, to be performative. Butler explicitly challenges biological accounts of binary sex. The supposed obviousness of sex as My Academic Interest On Gender And Kinship natural fact attests Kinshipp how deeply its production in discourse is concealed.
The sexed body, once established as a natural fact, My Academic Interest On Gender And Kinship the alibi for constructions of gender and sexuality, which then purport to My Childhood Of United the just-as-natural expressions or consequences of sex. In Butler's account, it is on the basis of the construction of natural binary sex that binary gender and heterosexuality are likewise constructed as natural.
Butler offers a critique of the terms gender and sex as they have been used by feminists.]
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