Must We Reform Laws to Make It -

Must We Reform Laws to Make It

Must We Reform Laws to Make It Video

This is why we still have the Electoral College Must We Reform Laws to Make It

My latest in PJ Media :. Leftists are saying they want you brainwashed or destroyed, and you should pay attention. They are impossibly mired in lies and hatred, but they have at times been oddly forthright about their plans, such as when Nancy Pelosi declared that Trump would lead at the end of election night but would not win, and when the New York Times claimed that the media would declare the winner of the presidential election, just as it is doing now.

Must We Reform Laws to Make It

So when so many prominent Leftists are calling for the Laes of Trump supporters or else their total ostracism from society, no one would be wise to dismiss these calls as empty threats. Empathy at this point would be completely counterproductive — it would exacerbate the harms that have already been done. As is typical of the Left, these hate-filled ideologues projected their hatred onto their prospective victims.

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You have treat [sic] the Republican Party and right wing media as the increasingly extremist group that they are. Biden has to heal the nation, court the voters, but the right wing movement is hostile. Meanwhile, Rep. I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future. There is much more. Read the rest here. I think it is about time the Trump supporting states withdrew themselves Redorm the union, the profligate coastal demorat states will soon bankrupt themselves, why let them bankrupt the whole nation.

Withdraw from the Union Is not an option.

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Doing nothing is also is not an option. Great if that would be possible but It wont happen. I wish they would as well and I live in California 15 minutes from San Fransisco and I would leave her in a minute! These Libs have destroyes this ionce beautiful araea. We moved north, to the state of Jefferson.

It is the red part of the state of California. Up here are a group of people who want to split off from Commiefornia. I, personally think we should remain the United States, but I understand the sentiment. His father, Irving was a Trotskyite, Marxist Bolshevik.

Must We Reform Laws to Make It

This is who wants to take down Trump.]

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