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Managing a Global Team

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Managing a Global Team

Managing a Global Team - consider

Our team have worked in national governments, international and EU institutions and across a wide range of policy fields. They have a wide range of policy specialisms and speak more than twenty languages. Global Counsel is a growing company. You can find the opportunities we are currently recruiting for here. View all Insights by Beatrix Thompson. Research Analyst. Global Counsel Team Our team have worked in national governments, international and EU institutions and across a wide range of policy fields.

Mark has worked in more than 80 countries and has cultivated in depth government, industry and trade association networks across the world.

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Core experience includes strategy and policy, business, sector and market analysis and evaluation, business planning, project management and performance review. Gareth is OCO's Commercial Director, responsible for its international office network, partner delivery and its global Consulting business Gareth has significant experience Msnaging leading engagements with both private and public sector clients. His expertise lies in the areas of strategy, international business development and large scale programme management Gareth has a deep knowledge of Finance, as the Head of Strategy of a large Irish Bank, and direct experience of establishing international operations of a large UK based Managing a Global Team. He also worked at the Boston Consulting Group supporting business growth and operations in a variety of markets.

Joachim Arnold Chief Operating Officer. Joachim has 12 years' experience in the field of Foreign Direct Investment FDI and International Trade providing strategic advisory, research and business development services to economic development organisations as well as to private companies expanding to new market. In addition to his Managnig in working in investment promotion he is providing trade development services mainly to corporate clients in evaluating foreign market opportunities, developing entry strategies and identifying partners and customers — both for German Managing a Global Team expanding abroad as well as for companies planning to access the German market.

He wrote his PhD thesis on the spatial evolution of foreign subsidiaries in Germany after graduating with a master degree in Economic Geography.

Managing a Global Team

Joachim is a Native German speaker and is fluent in English. Andrew Bradbury Director - Finance. Andrew is a Managing a Global Team accountant who has over 20 years of post-qualified experience in senior roles involving audit, financial control and financial consultancy for a range of international businesses and public sector organisations. Before this, Andrew led the finance function of a listed construction and cement Managing a Global Team in Kuwait and then for a utilities company and an engineering company in Northern Ireland.

Andrew started his career as an auditor with BDO Stoy Hayward in London and then as an audit manager with EY in Kuwait, where his portfolio included multi-million turnover manufacturing and retail companies and the audit and worldwide consolidation of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation. Shalini Raste Director - Consulting. Shalini is the Consulting Director at OCO Global, and has overall responsibility for all the consulting and advisory services which OCO offers across its international office network, in both Trade and Investment. Shalini has a proven track record in designing, setting up, running and performance managing international economic development operations. Her particular strengths lie in designing large scale programmes and in using data collected from click at this page these programmes to generate insights that improve the delivery of targeted interventions.

Shalini has regularly used her strong analytical skills, experience in strategy development and evaluation and excellent stakeholder management skills with senior management teams.

Gareth Hagan

She is recognised for her ability to deliver practical, sustainable solutions that clarify strategic direction and deliver public value. Shalini has worked with Https:// Development Agencies around the world.

He has supported companies to entering multiple international markets, with an emphasis on the US and Latin America, where he was the Director for Enterprise Ireland based in Sao Paulo and served as de facto Ambassador of Ireland to Brazil for a period. His strengths are in strategic selling, international expansion, client management and project leadership.

Managing a Global Team

Laurent Sansoucy Director - Southern Europe. Laurent is our director for Southern Europe. Joe Hepworth Director - Middle East. Joe has been living in the Middle East for more than 10 years. Alan Stevenson Director, East Coast.

How to manage GLOBAL TEAMS

Alan is a Queen's University Belfast graduate with international experience of working and living in a number of states across the USA. He is an experienced professional with an in-depth knowledge of the economic Managing a Global Team and FDI market and community. Alan has gained considerable experience through advising European, American, Canadian and South American EDOs on how to best develop and implement strategies to attract investment.

He also has established relationships and networks with executives, influencers and stakeholders of client companies throughout the USA has been directly involved with several investments and re-investments from American companies into client regions.

Naomi Byrne Director - Managed Services.]

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