Juvenile Competency to Stand Trial - can not
Psychologists often provide recommendations regarding criminal justice practices in an effort to implement more effective reforms. Although each state has provisions for a juvenile justice system due to the fundamental differences between children and adults, many of those states utilize the adult competency standards to determine if a child is able to stand trial for an offense. The National Juvenile Justice Network has produced policy guidelines to help states create separate statutes for determining the competency of a juvenile. In your chosen state, did the legislature already create a separate standard for juveniles? Does the adult competency statute mention any differences for juveniles? Juvenile Competency to Stand Trial![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Juvenile Competency to Stand Trial](https://image1.slideserve.com/1557139/legal-standard-for-competency-to-stand-trial-dusky-v-362-u-s-402-1960-l.jpg)

Forensic mental health assessment FMHA has grown into a specialization informed by research and professional guidelines. This series presents up-to-date information on the most important and frequently conducted forms of FMHA. Each title contains a thorough discussion of the relevant legal and psychological concepts, followed by a step-by-step description of the assessment process from preparing for the evaluation to writing the report and testifying in court.
This guide addresses the assessment of juvenile defendants, if they possess a minimal understanding of the nature and implications of pending criminal proceedings, as well as if the juvenile is capable of acquiring a sufficient basic legal knowledge to understand Juvenile Competency to Stand Trial participate in his case with the assistance of counsel. In making recommendations for best practice, authors consider empirical support, legal relevance, and consistency with ethical and professional standards.
Ivan Kruh and Thomas Grisso
Keywords: damageethical issuesempirical researchlegal relevanceconsistencyhereharassmentforensic evaluation. Access to the complete content on Oxford Clinical Psychology requires a subscription or purchase. Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter without a subscription. Please subscribe or login to access full text content.
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Juveniles’ Competence to Stand Trial
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