Jesus And The Personality Theory -

Jesus And The Personality Theory Video

What Is God Like?: Crash Course Philosophy #12 Jesus And The Personality Theory

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Since recent posts have in some way drawn me into the question of the historicity of Jesus once again let me set out where I stand. There is nothing new here. I have never, as far as I recall, set out an argument that Jesus did not exist. The reason? I have no interest in doing so. My interest has long been to understand the nature and origins of the biblical texts. And what I have learned so far is that the gospel narratives can most economically and comprehensively be explained as inventions woven from other texts without any need to introduce oral traditions going back to a historical Jesus. Similarly for the New Testament epistles. We do not need to introduce a historical Jesus to understand their contents. We need to apply the same methods to the study of Christian origins that we rely on for any other inquiry. Jesus And The Personality Theory Jesus And The Personality Theory

B ut the time will come — indeed, this is the hour — when true worshippers will know they must worship God, the Source or Father of the world, in Spirit and in Truth. God is seeking for those who will worship God. And God is Spirit, or the Breath of Life.

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Therefore, if it is God we would worship, we must worship by surrendering into the Life Spirit, and our worship must be founded in right understanding, or Truth. J ohn, known as the Beloved, and, presumably, also as the Elder, was apparently the principal disciple or devotee of Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus And The Personality Theory

Some investigators have offered evidence that Jesus of Nazareth may not have been an actual historical figure. And the same may be true of John the Baptist, John the Beloved, and others. Certainly,-f these figures actually lived, they may have been Jesus And The Personality Theory different from the exoteric myths and archetypes described in the New Testament. But there is a sufficient integrity to the documents of the New Testament that they may fruitfully be considered as if historical events and persons informed the writings that have come down to us. And this in fact is how the writings of the New Testament, and especially of John the Beloved, will be treated in this essay.

36 thoughts on “Interlude: Why I Doubt the Historical Existence of Jesus”

And, in any case, the New Testament writings — even though they may ultimately fail as an historical basis for exoteric religion Anf certainly do provide interesting examples of ancient esoteric mystical philosophy and practice. Certain kinds of evidence on the shroud appear to support the theory that Jesus was not dead when placed in the tomb. The New Testament is designed to appear as a single, coherent account of the life and total Teaching of Jesus and his disciples, or apostles.

Jesus And The Personality Theory

The New Testament is essentially an exoteric or outer and public manual of instruction. And it was created by the exoteric public cult of Jesus that became the official Church of the Roman Empire.

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What I am indicating here is that the historical Christian Church in its various sects was and is essentially an exoteric or publicly oriented institution. And it intentionally limited its communications to exoteric matters when it first designed and established the New Testament as the basis of all of its instructions. In and Pegsonality that process, the esoteric Teaching and practice was separated from the official institution, and it was gradually and completely lost.]

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