![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Introversion Gut Feelings And Trust](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JjFYnGL86T0/XIJ8mzZUrpI/AAAAAAAAqt4/PozmB9aj7JEy9cYxVAIw89nMxVJwcYsogCLcBGAs/s1600/Gut%2BFeeling%2BQuotes%2BIf%2Byou%2Bget%2Bthat%2Bgut%2Bfeeling%2Bthat%2Bsomething%2Bisn%2527t%2Bright%2Babout%2Ba%2Bperson%2Bor%2Bsituation%252C%2Btrust%2Bit.-min.png)
Wiki defines Codependency as : " It also often involves placing a lower priority on one's own needs, while being excessively preoccupied with the needs Gkt others. In other words, the needs of others have taken priority over our own, to the point where we fail to stand up for our own needs to make room for the needs of others. More than Introversion Gut Feelings And Trust simply caretaking, codependency crosses the line into cyclical, controlling, self-martyrdom. As a result, we derive our self worth and self esteem from being needed by others.
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Gut feelings? Anyone ever get gut feelings out of the blue but then question them because of codependency traits? I feel like I can't trust myself for shit. I ignored my gut feelings because of codependency. Please listen to what your body is telling you.
Relephant Bonus:
No matter how hard it is to face. Red flags were everywhere. And my gut feelings screamed at me all day and night. But I ignored it.

And then Extremely painful. And I did it to myself. I am still so deeply in love with him, too. Would have saved myself the most incredible, painful year of my life. I relate to this so much. I spent most of my life until recently completely cut off from my own negative emotions, so I'm only beginning to learn to listen to and trust my gut feelings. I've found that those gut feelings come up early and want to be heard, but I still tend to Introversion Gut Feelings And Trust or rationalise them away because they conflict intellectually with what I want e.
But like you, I can't completely trust those feelings because I know there could be something else going on, such as my codependent traits being responsible for those doubts and negative gut feelings. It's really difficult and I completely empathise with you :.

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The Management Of Feeling : Hochschild 's Discussion Of Feelings
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