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How The French Presidential Elections Will Affect Video

France Presidential Election: Did Le Pen's negativity in the debate affect her chances?

How The French Presidential Elections Will Affect - good idea

Things are still OK. However, with the split government Bradley previously mentioned, he says any sweeping changes will be curtailed. Any policy changes will likely have to be very moderate. Here's the biggest news you missed this weekend. Federal judge dismisses Trump's Pa. How The French Presidential Elections Will Affect.

Regardless of where one falls politically, the sanctity of the vote is a bedrock of a functioning representative democracy. Voters have to believe their vote matters. And that the vote is free, Eletions, and accurate. Here are the basic facts of the case: On Election Night when America went to bed, President Trump had a commanding lead in virtually every swing state, as well as Virginia, which no one expected him to win.

This is particularly true in Michigan, which has voted in lockstep with Florida since This evidence Th easily be dismissed as simply weird if one is being generous or How The French Presidential Elections Will Affect. While much of this took place at the state level, there are also irregularities that are occurring across state lines and these are worthy of consideration. Below we explore the details and the data of what happened across the nation on Election Day, with flagrant and often sloppy irregularities occurring from coast to coast. The media is trying to weave a narrative with ever-shifting goalposts.

How The French Presidential Elections Will Affect

Now, they have shifted their story to saying that there is always minor fraud, but that it never really matters much. This is patently untrue. In fact, they vote at alarmingly high rates. A study found that approximately 2. So we can see that electoral fraud is not only impossible, it is common. It is not negligible, it has determined elections in living memory. With this as our backdrop, we will now investigate voter irregularities throughout the nation during the Presidential election. Before going further, it is worth discussing what constitutes evidence for electoral fraud.

What Constitutes Evidence of Electoral Fraud?

These are the standards used by globalists to determine whether or not elections they disapprove of have been conducted fraudulently. Several of them are present in the contested states:. Additionally, the Carter Center states that it is the right of dissidents to challenge and question the results of an election that they believe to be fraudulent. Harassing dissidents is considered evidence of chicanery in and of itself.

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The resistance of the Democratic Party to recounts and audits should be a red flag in and of itself. There are here mathematical anomalies that are worth looking into because, regardless of turnout and outcome, elections will follow certain patterns.

One of these is that, because of mail sorting, mail-in ballots will consistently show the same ratio of support for each candidate. We did not see that, however — there is a significant spike in support for Biden and fall off in support Presirential President Trump as Election Night dragged on. This is a test for catching election fraud, used by the State Department and forensic accountants.

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Indeed, in Wisconsin, this anomaly became massive 4 a. The same phenomenon occurred in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia, all four of these states with copious amounts of electoral chicanery and irregularity. Virginia was another state with similar mathematical irregularities. Put simply: When we have large datasets of numbers, there is a pattern we can find with regard to the final and penultimate digit of each number in this data Preisdential. One recurring theme throughout the election is the glitch.

How The French Presidential Elections Will Affect

There have been a number of glitches, many detailed in our series on irregularities in different states. Read More SilverDoctors. Log in to leave a comment. SGT Report.]

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