How Personality Changes Within Adulthood - consider
The mentalizing network MN treats social interactions based on our understanding of other people's intentions and includes the medial prefrontal cortex mPFC , temporoparietal junction TPJ , posterior cingulate cortex PCC , precuneus PC , and amygdala. Not all elders are equally affected by the aging-related decrease of mentalizing abilities. Personality has recently emerged as a strong determinant of functional connectivity in MN areas. However, its impact on volumetric changes across the MN in brain aging is still unknown. To address this issue, we explored the determinants of volume decrease in MN components including amyloid burden, personality, and APOE genotyping in a previously established cohort of healthy elders with a mean follow-up of 54 months. Regression models corrected for multiple comparisons were used to identify predictors of volume loss including time, age, sex, personality, amyloid load, presence of APOE epsilon 4 allele, and cognitive evolution. This was also the case for the right mPFC in elders displaying lower Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. In multiple regression models, the effect of Agreeableness was still observed in left PC and right amygdala and that of Conscientiousness was still observed in right mPFC volume loss Several Agreeableness Modesty and Conscientiousness order, dutifulness, achievement striving, and self-discipline facets were positively related to increased volume loss in cortical components of the MN. How Personality Changes Within AdulthoodHow Personality Changes Within Adulthood Video
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It begins by reviewing the existing evidence base for interventions for personality disordered offenders in the UK and elsewhere, before outlining the principles and requirements of the strategy and how it has been implemented in the community and secure settings in London and south-east England by the How Personality Changes Within Adulthood Pathways Partnership LPP. The LPP is a consortium of four mental health trusts working together with the probation and prison services to deliver community and secure OPD services: individual chapters, written by leaders within the LPP and wider OPD pathway, address key aspects, including staff selection and training; case identification and formulation; intervening in the community and in secure settings; service user involvement; and commissioning and joint working. Each chapter includes an authoritative review of the relevant evidence base, together with consideration of available options and the rational for the approach chosen for services Adultbood London.

The book concludes with a formulation-based analysis of whether or not the OPD strategy has had any impact on its stated outcomes and how these might be re-evaluated as the mechanisms by which change is achieved in the pathway become better understood.
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