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This website uses cookies in order to enhance your experience. Please review our Privacy Policy to learn how we may use cookies and how you can change your browser settings to disable cookies. How Good Are You continuing to use this website without changing your settings, you consent to our use of cookies. A nationwide lockdown of four to six weeks would help contain the coronavirus pandemic and need not cause economic hardship, according to Dr.

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Michael Osterholm, a top health adviser to President-elect Joe Biden, who said that paying people to stay home would limit the spread of Covid in the United Hod and put How Good Are You country How Good Are You track for a smoother recovery. In an interview with CNBC earlier this week, Osterholm, Ate of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and a member of Biden's coronavirus advisory board, acknowledged that people have clashing interpretations of the meaning and consequences of a "lockdown.

Part of the problem, the epidemiologist explained, is that public health and economic health have been pitted against each other, the implication being that too many people view far-reaching interventions to get the pandemic under control as economically harmful. So the things we have to do to get Covid under control will ultimately affect the economy in a positive way. On Wednesday, Osterholm told Yahoo! Finance that "we could pay for a package right now to cover all of the lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, [and] county governments.

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The federal government "could do all of that," he noted, and if it did, "then we could lock for four to six weeks.

The alternative—continuing with the inadequate and haphazard measures that characterize the status quo—ensures that the U. As Common Dreams reported Wednesday, the coronavirus crisis is entering an extremely dangerous Hos that has some epidemiologists worried about whether the U. Yet, at precisely the moment How Good Are You the ongoing catastrophe warrants a stronger, more effective response, President Donald Trump is engaging in what journalist David Dayen on Wednesday called "the world's worst coup attempt. By hampering Biden's ability to get a head start on facilitating a well-coordinated response to the Covid emergency and its economic fallout, Dayen explained, Trump is relegating even Americans to "death and suffering.

It is happening," said Osterholm. This is going to get Youu worse. We can basically limit the contacts we have with people, [which] will dramatically impact our risk of getting this disease.

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To save thousands of lives and the economy, however, Osterholm stressed Wednesday that a comprehensive and stringent lockdown is necessary. Congress should be aggressive in supporting people who've lost jobs because of Covid This article first appeared on Common Dreams.

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Keep it up : This website uses cookies in order to enhance your experience. Science Biden's health adviser's plan to save the economy and lives: Pay people to stay home for weeks. Trending Topics. Start your day Hkw something GOOD. Trending Stories. Politics Even Tucker Carlson can't stomach Trump lawyers' latest voter fraud conspiracies.]

How Good Are You

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