How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of -

How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of

William Shakespeare has stood the test of time and will likely remain as the most celebrated playwright of the English language for centuries to come. His works encompass political, social, economic, and moral lessons that all rely on the intricacy of language and dialogue to produce fascinating situations.

Additionally, ideas of government and its involvement in mitigating economic disputes brings relevance to evaluating the themes Shakepseare the play in a more political context. Although most Shakespearean plays deal with nobility, this play shows the role of government as a vehicle for resolving How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of disputes. An interesting lens to view this play is the philosophy of Machiavelli and his thoughts on the use of power by individuals and institutions. Each character in this play represents a Machiavellian attribute including cunning, derision, and dominance.

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This essay explores Machiavellian themes throughout the play. Analysis goes both ways: Machiavelli is a lens to evaluate the play, but also the play is a lens to evaluate Machiavelli. Considering one Machiavellian induces a certain idea of how that person conducts their personal and business affairs. As Leary notes the ends justify the means and the Machiavellian ends are always having power regardless of the emotional or moral costs. The intelligence of the Machiavellian is critical to their successful pursuit of power.

How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of

Manipulation requires and understanding and manipulation of the characters involved in the game of political chess. Any interaction among individuals could be considered a political interaction as the use and response to power is usually engaged. Analyzing the motivations, emotions, and intents as portrayed by each character elucidates an interesting facet of each of the characteristics of a Machiavellian person.

The conflict among the characters of the play surround concerns over money, position, the role of law, and the moral ambiguity of Christians and Jews. Differing from other Shakespearean works which often include nobility, this play focuses on the moral challenges faced with social constructs of the Elizabethan era, the tension between the sin of usury in the Christian faith in contrast to usury in Judaism. Also, the rule of law is considered heavily in this play as a place to resolve disputes. In essence the play is about money, power, and the law. The conflict and tension of these tenets are weight on each character, but each character responds differently. This is consistent with the How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of condition and is so often the case of any individual trying to reconcile social mores with personal desires.

How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of

Taking each character in turn, each character presents their moral conundrum as they struggle for power. Considering Antonio, the merchant himself, suffers from an unidentified sadness.

How Does Shakespeare Present the Theme of

Antonio is wealthy, but his wealth is engaged in overseas trade. Antonio is manipulated by Bassaino who attempts to woo Portia. However, Bassaino is not a man of wealth and secures a loan from Skylock.

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Shylock agrees to a loan but Bassaino has no collateral. Bassaino uses the affections of Antonio to secure a loan so that Bassaino may present himself as a man of wealth worthy of courtship of Portia. Antonio requites because he fears losing the company of Bassaino. Antonio guarantees Skylocks loan with a literal pound of flesh to Shylock. The symbolism of this is that Antonio is willing to give of his very body for the perceived good. This act binds Antonio link Bassanio forever, something Antonio long for and Bassanio abuses as a means to another end, to woo Portia.

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Portia is highly constrained with her station in Elizabethan society and is heavily influenced by her dying father. Portia is most concerned by her future as position as a wife to whoever she marries, not so much by who she marries for his own sake Slights As a tool of manipulation her father instills a game whereby a suitor must select the correct casket among three to chose from. Although she is somewhat a pawn, she is able to use her cunning to influence others but not enough to be a true antagonist.]

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