Gilgamesh the Illiad the Aeneid -

Gilgamesh the Illiad the Aeneid Video

The Epics—Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid Gilgamesh the Illiad the Aeneid

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Patroclus — Death by Hubris. Patroclus death was one of the most poignant and powerful scenes in the Iliad. It reveals the futility of mortals endeavoring to go against the gods, and the price of reckless behavior.

Gilgamesh the Illiad the Aeneid

Recklessness and arrogance are recurring themes throughout the epic. Achilles earned himself a brief life that will end in battle with his intemperate ways.

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He is hot headed and passionate, often callous and impulsive. Patroclus, while wiser, is not much better.

Gilgamesh the Illiad the Aeneid

Although Zeus has decreed the defeat of the TrojansPatroclus will fall in the battle, luring Achilles back into the battling that is fated to be his doom. Eventually, Hector will also pay with his life. As a child, Patroclus is reported to have killed another child in anger over a game. He acted as a mentor and protector, as the older Gilggamesh wiser of the boys.

Gilgamesh the Illiad the Aeneid

The two grew up together, with Achilles looking to Patroclus for leading. Even though Patroclus was considered a step above a servant, tending menial chores, he was a mentor to Achilles. The exact relationship between the two men is a matter of some dispute.

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Some later authors depicted them as lovers, while some modern scholars present them as very close and loyal friends. Whatever the relationship between the two was, it is very clear that they depended upon and trusted one another. Achilles was much more empathetic and caring toward Patroclus than any of his other men.]

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