George Washingtons Farewell Address -

George Washingtons Farewell Address George Washingtons Farewell Address George Washingtons Farewell Address

Title: Washington's Farewell address to the people of the United States. Author: George WashingtonPublisher: Gale, Sabin Americana Description: Based on Joseph Sabin's famed bibliography, Bibliotheca Americana, Sabin Americana, contains a collection of books, pamphlets, serials and other works about the Americas, from the time of their discovery to the early s.

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Sabin Americana is rich visit web page original accounts of discovery and exploration, pioneering and westward expansion, the U. Civil War and other military actions, Native Americans, slavery and abolition, religious history and more. Sabin Americana offers an up-close perspective on life in the western hemisphere, encompassing the arrival of George Washingtons Farewell Address Europeans on the shores of North America in the late 15th century to the first decades of the 20th century.

Covering Washingtins span of over years in North, Central and South America as well as the Caribbean, this collection highlights the society, politics, religious beliefs, culture, contemporary opinions and momentous events of the time. It provides access to documents from an assortment of genres, sermons, political tracts, newspapers, books, pamphlets, maps, legislation, literature and more. Now for the first time, these high-quality digital scans of original works are available Washibgtons print-on-demand, making them readily accessible to libraries, students, independent scholars, and readers of all ages.]

George Washingtons Farewell Address

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