Fracking And The Public Health -

Fracking And The Public Health - think, that

The first ballot initiative proposal of the election cycle has been filed in Colorado, even as the results from the current general election are still unofficial. All five statutory measures introduced so far are from designated representatives Thomas Williams and James Newell and seek to ban hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. Deeming the practice detrimental to public health, the environment and wildlife, the initiatives would prohibit all fracking on non-federal land. The ban would apply to current and future fracking permits. Specifically, the evaluation was concerned about the loss of severance or property tax revenue, as well as whether the fracking ban would amount to a government taking of private property under the constitution.

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Health Science Frontiers: Fracking Your Health Fracking And The Public Health Fracking And The Public Health

Jeremy Nichols, WildEarth Guardians,jnichols wildearthguardians. Judge rules sale of oil and gas leases in Wyoming illegal, blocks drilling on square miles.

Fracking And The Public Health

It's time to keep it in the ground. While centered on Wyoming, the ruling implicates federal oil and gas leasing on public lands across the country. The ruling also comes as President-elect Joe Biden has expressly committed to banning new federal oil and gas leasing. Originally filed inthe suit challenged federal oil and gas leasing on overacres of public lands in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.

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The case centered on Wyoming, whereacres were leased. Leasing affords private companies the right to drill, frack, and produce oil and gas, the burning of which is a leading contributor to the climate crisis. The ruling by Judge Rudolph Contreras with the U. District Court for the District of D.

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In response, the Bureau refused to comply with the court order, attempting to paper over its violations with a blizzard of meaningless numbers in a rushed bid to re-approve the same decision deemed illegal by the court.

The groups subsequently brought the Bureau back to court.

Fracking And The Public Health

Fracking And The Public Health On November 13, Judge Contreras agreed the agency still failed to account for the climate consequences of selling public lands for oil and gas extraction. The Judge also ordered an injunction on drilling the oil and gas leases at issue, effectively banning new development on overacres of Wyoming public lands involved in the case. The ruling is significant because Teh found, among other things, the Bureau of Land Management failed to properly account for oil and gas leasing occurring beyond Wyoming, including in neighboring states. President-elect Biden has explicitly committed to ending oil and gas leasing as part of his climate and clean energy agenda.]

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